April 1, 2008 - 1:27pm
News from the World Cup
Has anyone heard any news about The Coupe Du Monde De La Boulangarie? I know competion was to start on March 30 and I thought it ended today. I know one of the bakers, Solvieg Tofte and wish her and the team well.
Looking for something else, I serendipitously found an acount by Jeff Hamelman of Team America's experience in Paris this year. It's interesting, and some ot the photos of breads are astonishing.http://blog.kingarthurflour.com/2008/04/03/live-from-the-coupe-american-bakers-at-the-%e2%80%9cbread-baking-olympics%e2%80%9d/
You can see the results and Team USA photos on http://www.bbga.org on the Baking Team USA. You do not need to be a member to access the results and the photos.
When you see the scores, you will realize how little stands between the podium and not... It was a contest well fought by Team USA.