The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.


JMonkey's picture

Every weekend, I bake 2-3 loaves of sourdough (usually whole wheat) for my family's weekly bread. I love sourdough, and I particularly love that I've figured out (finally) how to coax sour flavor out of our sweet New England microflora (long, cool bulk rise with a stiff starter).

I absolutely hate, however, having to throw away starter when I feed it. Drives me bannanas.

So I had an idea earlier this week. Why not place an ad on Craig's list and give it away? I came up with a quick ad:

Less than 24 hours later, I've got 18 folks lined up, all of whom will gladly give my sourdough "waste" for the entire month of May a happy home. At this rate, I'll just have to put up one ad per month.

So now, I can make my sourdough guilt free. :-)

Pedro Pan's picture
Pedro Pan

"My all time favorite is a blue cheese and walnut bread with 25% toasted waluts..." The Bread Baker's Apprentice, P. 234
Good place to start. This bread was/is truly amazing-- I more or less followed the proportions except I used the WW SD starter and added 25% WW flour to the final dough. Blue cheese was Stilton (Costco). Walnuts from Trader Joe's. This was some serious bread. Dinner was Lasagne coi Carciofi, Artichoke Lasagna...ooh baby...but thats another story. The walnut/stilton bread with salad was a perfect compliment to a great sunday dinner.

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sonofYah's picture

I am going to try linking to some pictures. Please be patient with me.

These are pictures of a starter I am experimenting with. See my earlier blog entry for an explanation.


The control starter
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Sourdough Jack's starter
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Both starters for comparison
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sonofYah's picture

Well, Pesach and Unleavened Bread is over and it is time to get the bread ingredients out of storage.

Been a while since I was able to post. Have been super busy. Having a blast at the bakery job. The railroad job? All I can say is that I still have it and it is paying the bills.

I have been browsing the newsgroup a lot lately. One of the messages I really found interesting was one concerning a 30+ year old sourdough starter packet. It seems that one of the regular posters on the group found an old packet of unopened starter in one of their sourdough books. This person did a little experiment to see if she could revive the starter. She seems to have had success.

I went on the 'net and found a copy of the book with a packet. Yesterday, I started my own little experiment. I measured out equal amounts of all-purpose flour and water in two seperate quart jars. To one I added my 1/2 ounce packet of starter powder. Twelve hours later I had activity in both jars. But the jar with the sourdough packet was markedly more active. The aroma of the starters were different as was the textures of the respective starters.

Not wanting to skew the results, I took 50 grams of starter from each jar and discarded the rest. I started with the control starter first, doing one at a time to control cross-contamination. I rinsed out each jar and added 50 grams of distilled water and 50 grams of all purpose flour. I added the water to the starter and made a liquid starter. I returned the starters to the respective jars. I then added 50 grams of all-purpose flour to each jar and stirred until well incorporated. I marked the levels in each of the jars. Again, twelve hours later, I checked the jars. This time I took pictures. There is quite a difference between the two. When I learn how to post pictures here, I will do so.

I am kind of suprised that the control jar (with no starter powder) took off so quickly. But then again I did a lot of bread baking before Pesach and Unleavened Bread. And no matter how good I tried to clean my house, there would still be yeast floating around in the air. (A spiritual lesson there) Hoping this didn't affect my little experiment. But the jar with the sourdough starter is significantly more active as you will be able to tell when I upload the pictures.

BTW, I made my first homemade matzah in a stone lined oven. Was a smashing hit with the daughters. And I got it in the oven in less than eighteen minutes. Just made a little over a pound.

Till then, let us bake bread.

Keen de el yeshuati

ross's picture

what i refer to as 'rye light', naturally leavened, organic, and 100% hand made...
i baked seven of these yesterday, 3 lbs each. pictured are half-loaves.

Pedro Pan's picture
Pedro Pan

I’d love to have one but since I don’t…

I set out to determine if I could approximate the wood burning brick oven effect by baking the bread in my Cast Aluminum PK charcoal grill. I was hopeful because one of the nice features of the PK is the heat radiating effects of Aluminum. “Aluminum reflects 97% of heat rays

andrew_l's picture


March 25, 2006 - 5:32am -- andrew_l

Has anyone tried making sourdough bread using a lower protein flour - I've accidentally bought the wrong sort of flour in France for breadmaking! A combination of not having specs with me and not having good french...

The flour I've bought is 10% protein and the flour I normally use is about 12 / 13 %. Any idea what will happen if I use it?


tatter's picture

My daily rye sourdough

March 25, 2006 - 4:26am -- tatter

For a small loaf (24cm bread tin):
400g sourdough starter
150ml lukewarm water
100g rye or wholemeal rye flour
300g white bread flour
1 tsp sea salt
1/2 demerara sugar

Mix the sourdough starter with the water, add the flour, the salt and sugar, leave for an hour. The dough should raise slightly. Mix it again and place in a bread tin ( oiled and sprinkled with bran, rye flakes or coriander seeds), brush the top with oil,prinkle with poppy seedsfilm and leave for a few hours, or until doubled.
Sprinkle with poppy seeds and place in a cold oven. Set the tempereture to 200 C and bake for an hour. When the oven reaches 200 C, spray its walls and the bread with lukewarm water.

Joe Fisher's picture

Holy oven spring, Batman!

March 16, 2006 - 3:55pm -- Joe Fisher

Pumpernickel bread, made with a rye sourdough starter. The first rise and the rise after shaping were a little lackluster. I think the temperature in my house was a little too cool, and with 8 hours of rise time at the 78 degrees specified in the recipe, I really can't let it rise longer if I want a one day bread. I'll have to build myself a proofing box :)

Anyway, here's what the loaves looked like sitting on my SuperPeel before popping into the oven. They've probaby grown about 25% since I put them on the sheet.
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Paddyscake's picture

TY SourdoLady

March 12, 2006 - 7:31pm -- Paddyscake

Just wanted to say Thank You again..I have a most healthy sourdough starter..actually more healthy than I was the last few days. I have been under the weather and so didn't get a chance to try
baking any sourdough this weekend. I knew I had to take care of my starter, so I pulled it out & fed
and when next I looked it was very happy and bubbly and doubled. Feeling a bit better today.
I did manage to make 2 loaves of cinnamon raisin..I just had to bake something!!!
So..finally I am sure I have very healthy starter..all thanks to you !!!


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