The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

Early riser window sill loaves

young_and_poolish's picture

Early riser window sill loaves

70% hydration, Tartine country bread method.

Shaping is improving, although I lined my bannetons with linen towels that aren't very soft so they created some ridges around the edges.

Second loaf was a bit of a flop. You can see where I got confused (blaming the early morning) and missed the shapes on top.

Danni3ll3's picture

I love the ears on them. I would say your shaping is great and you got the timing for the proof just right. Great oven spring!

young_and_poolish's picture

I'm very proud of these lil babies and can't wait to mix up some more dough.

dabrownman's picture

treat.  Well done and happy baking