Looking for Some Tips for Improving Sourdough Bread Rise ??
Hi everyone,
I have been baking sourdough for about six months and while I have had some successes,, I often struggle with getting a good rise in my loaves. My starter seems active but my dough does not always spring well in the oven. I use a 75% hydration recipe and follow a typical stretch and fold method during bulk fermentation. Here are some specifics ::-
I use King Arthur Bread Flour and measure with a scale.
My kitchen is around 70°F, and I let the dough bulk ferment for 5-6 hours.
I cold proof in the fridge for about 12 hours before baking in a Dutch oven.
Could it be an issue with fermentation timing, shaping technique or starter strength: ?? I would love to hear your tips for improving oven spring and overall loaf structure. Are there small adjustments that have worked for you: ?? I have also read this thread https://www.thefreshloaf.com/node/54348/help-me-improve-my-sourdough-react-native but couldn't find enough tips and advice.
Looking forward to learning from all of you and improving my bakes !!
With Regards,
Derek Theler