The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

Newfangled Sourdough

Nicholas Carey's picture
Nicholas Carey

Newfangled Sourdough

So. I started a new sourdough starter using a packet of the seemingly new Red Star Instant Sourdough. A packet of rye flour, dried heat and various lactobacilli. Supposed to be a 1:1 substitute for ordinary dried yeast.

I made a batter/dough at 100% hydration — 250 g of freshly ground rye flour (I have a mill) and 250 g of distilled water at 105° F — then pitched the contents of the packet and whisked it in.

I feel certain that a packet of ordinary dried yeast would have rocked that much dough in an hour. Thus took 24–30 hours to come to life. But when it did? A very lively starter indeed. And, nice and tart. I approve.

Haven't baked with it yet, but we made sourdough waffles. Very tasty.

Nicholas Carey's picture
Nicholas Carey

And in other news, I was in my local homebrew supply store to get pale (diastatic) rye malt and crystal rye malt for making Latvian rye bread. As one does.

Seems that UPenn has found a new yeast, a variety of Lachancea that produces its own lactic acid. Available from Lallemand as 'Philly Sour'.

This needs investigating.