The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

How to start a TFL blog

Moe C's picture
Moe C

How to start a TFL blog

I've been thinking of starting a blog to keep photos of my limited variety of bakes in one place. Is this where I start?

Is "Title" where "Moe's Blog" goes? After it is set up, is there a choice to start a new topic within that blog? That appears to be how it works, just doublel-checking.

Moe C's picture
Moe C

Curses, no edit to fix "doublel".

tpassin's picture

Yes; after clicking on "New Post" on the home page, you get a choice which includes creating a blog entry.  Everything else is about the same as for an ordinary Forum post, and the software creates a name for your blog.

mwilson's picture

No, not quite...

A blog post is no different to a forum post except that it will appear in the blog section of the site. Blogs can be can be found under the heading "Recent Blog Entries" on the front page or by going to

The field marked "Title" in a new blog post is doing the same as the field marked "Subject" in a new forum post.

Your blog posts can be found here: once you have made an entry.

Moe C's picture
Moe C

Thanks Tom & Michael. I'll give it a go when I have something to say.