The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

Large holes in sourdough

Kk123's picture

Large holes in sourdough

I keep getting these large holes/tunnels in my sourdough loaf. can please help suggest what I did wrong? Thank you so  much
phaz's picture

Mix more - proof less - or a combination of the 2. Enjoy!

Kk123's picture

I usually bulk ferment until the dough rises about 40-50% at 26 degrees celsius. Will try to shorten the time next time :) thank you!

semolina_man's picture

Deflate after bulk fermentation and before shaping. 

Kk123's picture

will try to pat them more next time. Thank you.

phaz's picture

Don't pat - especially the early rise - it's too gentle. Enjoy!

tpassin's picture

You want to get rid of large thin-walled bubbles, the ones that bulge up while you squeeze them, the ones like you blow with chewing gum. So before and during shaping, pat them or pinch them to let the gas out or force it back into the dough.  No need to work with them before preform/shaping.


rondayvous's picture

Many here are doing everything they can to get those large holes ;0)

Precaud's picture

and I don't get it.