October 11, 2024 - 2:57am

Big-holed sieves for oats in the UK
I'm looking for recommendations for a sieving/bolting set that is affordable and contains some big-hole options.
I don't want to make fine flour, I want to try and replicate different oatmeal grades from home-milled oat groats.
I've read of the different grades and think some are too fine, maybe I need #30 and lower or perhaps a prospecting set?!
Advice very much appreciated! Thank you.
I assume you are grinding or cutting oats, not rolling or flaking them. For coarse granulations, #30 might be a little fine. I would look at sieves from #12 to 25.
Yes, I am grinding/cutting, not rolling.
Do you have a place where you purchase your graded sieves?
Long time no speak Alison. Are you back in the UK? Haven't seen you around TFL in ages.
Bakerybits is a good place for all your baking needs.
Hey Abe! Good to hear you again :-) Yes, I'm back in the UK as of July and planning to stay. Living in Gloucestershire. Doing a lot of things with oats. I'd love to hear what you're baking!
Thanks for the link. I like the multi-grade set here.
all at great prices!
Thanks! Things from Aliexpress always seem to take an age to arrive for me!
now delivers in about seven to ten days. It used to take much longer, but they can't afford those delays anymore with the competition from Temu.
Thank you!
from another seller on AliExpress:
You'll see the estimated delivery date before you check out.