The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

Almond biscotti

metropical's picture

Almond biscotti

I finally stumbled on a recipe that gets the texture I want.

Now I want to work on the flavor a bit more.

The ones I get on Court Street in Brooklyn are hard to beat.



1 1/2 cups whole almonds
2 1/4 cups unbleached all-purpose flour
1 tsp baking powder
3 eggs at room temperature
1 cup sugar
1/4 tsp lemon zest


Toast almonds in oven at 350 for five minutes, then cool and coarsely chop.  

In a bowl, combine flour and baking powder.  

In a separate bowl, beat together eggs and sugar until the mixture forms a ribbon (you will be able to lift it out of the bowl a few inches with the beater). Gently stir in flour mixture until just incorporated and then gently fold in almonds.  

On a greased or parchment-lined baking sheet, form the dough into two 3-inch wide loaves.  Smooth with wet hands, then cook at 350 for 25 minutes.  Lower oven to 300, let loaves cool for 10 minutes, then cut them into 1/2-inch thick cookies.  

Bake cookies on each side for 10-12 minutes until beginning to brown.



I added a couple tsp cinnamon, but I think I'd use a bit more next time.

And I want to get a bit or orange flavor in there with either orange oil or Grand Marnier.  I tried 1 tsp orange oil and that wasn't enough

Any suggestions as to adjustments to do so?  I don't want to lose the texture so I want to be careful about liquid adjustments, IE: eggs.


In my first attempt I actually used 1/4c almond meal and 3/4 c of barley flour as partial substitutions. 

I also used 1/2 c spray malt sugar as substitution.  That might have been a bit much.  I'll go back to all white sugar or perhaps some dark brown.

davidg618's picture

Try it with a tsp of amaretto extract.

David G

Mary Clare's picture
Mary Clare

Maybe try 1/4 tsp. of salt?

Mary Clare

flournwater's picture

Looks good .... but the ingredients list baking powder and the instructions list baking soda.


turosdolci's picture

Try my recipe found on my blog post.“cantucci”-recipe/

Also try almond oil, but be very careful not to use the amount listed in the recipe as this is very potent and you need to use just a few drops depending on the size of your recipe.

Good luck,


mredwood's picture

I love baking biscotti. With your recipe I probably would leave out the lemon zest. I would replace it with orange zest. I would not increase the orange oil. Add the zest. Don't know what size eggs you are using but I would figure an adjustment that would allow about 1/4 c. of orange juice. I would add the salt too. There are many different kinds of cinnamon and sometimes combining them gives a better flavor profile. My absolute secret ingredient is cinnamon oil. I would not up the powder but I would add from 1/4 to 1/2 tsp of the oil. With the zest, salt, juice and cinnamon oil the flavor will come alive. 


metropical's picture

I actually had augmented the recipe more than I indicated.

I used a tsp of amaretto liqueur, didn't use the lemon zest but rather a couple tsp orange zest, a wee drop of cinnamon oil.  No salt.  I think I used baking powder, I didn't notice the error in the recipe.

I think subbing the juice for some egg may be helpful, though I'm a little concerned the result may soften the bite a bit.

The cinnamon is something I brought back from Vietnam.  It's quite spritely, but I like the idea of a bit more cinn oil.

I'll have to pick up some almond oil too.  I think the almond meal is a waste.  Next time 50/50 apf and barley flour.

flournwater's picture

Once again  -   the ingredients list baking powder and the instructions list baking soda.


"1 tsp baking powder"


"In a bowl, combine flour and baking soda.  "

davidg618's picture

...of almond biscotti, one for a dinner party this weekend, that is "diabetic friendly" since one of our guest is--both diabetic and friendly. The second, with more sugar, butter, eggs, and lemon zest (our favorite) is for our annual Open House wherein we share this year's new wines (as well as past years). Almond biscotti pairs wonderfully with Sauvignon Blanc, and European style Chardonnay. Both versions are flavored with Amaretto and almond extracts.

David G

P.S. Neither recipe calls for baking soda.

clazar123's picture

I worked on my biscotti skills this last Christmas season and discovered that biscotti made with no oil or butter can actually be very hard. Mine were usually in the toothbreaking department after a few days. The oil tenderized it.

This is actually the recipe I ended up with as a basis. I just deleted the anise and substituted other flavorings (almond,cinnamon,cardamom,etc) and additives (nuts,craisins,chocolate). Read the comments for some ideas. I made 3 or 4 different flavors-chocolate espresso,almond,spice and anise.

The other thing I learned is to let the dough sit for a few minutes after mixing.It becomes less sticky. Handling the dough is tricky-use either wet or oiled hands and bake on parchment paper.

Have delicious fun!

threedogs's picture

I don't normally use oil (or butter) in my biscotti, and I have a hard time getting them anything but soft. I came to the conclusion that it had to do with how much moisture is in the air - I lived right next to the ocean for a few years. It wasn't a problem because my friend & family prefer the biscotti like that (I, on the other hand, like them more crunchy).

Found that if I left them in the oven, with the door slightly ajar, to cool after the second bake that they came out perfect for me. My dog Emma also was pleased, as she quickly mastered the art of opening the oven door, and helping herself.

With all the years I've made biscotti, the only time mine came out tooth-breaking hard was when I first started baking them. I don't follow my recipe that much (in fact, I lost the recipe recently & now mix them from memory, which can be ... scattered.. at best, lol). I throw in various liquors and other mix-ins, depending on what i have at hand, so that might make them softer. At any rate, I've never felt that it needed more fat than what's in the egg yolks.


metropical's picture

Hi clazar123.  If you still have the recipe or new link, I'd be curious to see it.

That link is a dead end for me.


clazar123's picture

This is a Word document so I don't know if the format will hold. Yay! I think it worked.

I like biscotti that is crunchy but not hard. I always use oil to tenderize as just sugar/eggs makes the sugar harden like candy. I have also found that since biscotti has a dry texture, it needs more flavoring than moister items. 



Biscotti-Basic & Variations                        by  Caroline Lazar




Yield: 6 doz small biscotti

Flavor extract


1 tbsp

11g   (Vanilla goes in all sweet variations in addition to chosen flavor)

-Anise is traditional



½ cup


Reduce to make harder


(white or brown)

1 cup

½ c white= 95g,  1 c white=195g

½ c brown=114g, 1 c brown=225g

Can be ½ white & ½ brown

Increase to 1 ¼ c for chocolate

Reduce for savory

Whole Eggs

3 large


Using only egg whites makes them crisper

Mix eggs, sugar, oil, vanilla and extract of choice very well (5 min) so most of sugar dissolves.(Important!)

In separate, larger bowl, mix together:


3 ¼ cup



Baking Powder

1 tbsp

11 g



1 tsp

7 g

Increase for savory

See variations …………

(next page)



Then mix wet ingredients into dry ingredients.

When well mixed, let dough sit for 10 minutes (improves handling).

·        Prepare a baking sheet with parchment paper-oil the parchment paper!

·        Handle with either oiled or damp hands/spatula.

·        Shape into a log in traditional shape (like a Quonset hut) of desired size.(2”x12”for small biscotti)-dough may spread slightly

·        Top with nuts or sugar

·        Bake 20-25 min in 350 oven. Gingerbread browns quicker than others.

·        Cool 5 min-NO MORE! Should be very warm-almost hot- to cut.

·        Cut into ½ in slices (sharp knife works best)-place on cooling rack on cookie sheet. Cut edge with tip of knife then slice down like a guillotine with a  SHARP knife. No sawing.

·        Bake additional 6-10 min til dry and lightly browned-may need to turn over to do both sides.


Butter makes them more cookie-like and crumbly.

No oil makes them rather hard-these are better for dunking

Because they are drier than cookies, they need higher amount of flavoring.

If they are being dunked, regular amounts of flavoring are recommended.

Roundy’s choc chips tend to not melt into dough and break off edge. Use Nestle’s.



GINGERBREAD (excellent)

Add to basic recipe,(use 1/2 brown/white sugar):

2 tbsp molasses per full batch

2 tbsp honey per full batch

2 tsp powdered ginger per full batch

2 tsp cinnamon per full batch

½ tsp nutmeg per full batch

¼ tsp cloves per full batch

¼ c small diced crystallized ginger (40g)

¾ c small diced candied pineapple (125g)

Sticky dough-spreads more than basic recipe

Browns easily! Top with sugar. Very spicy.

SPICE all measurements per full batch

½ tsp (1g)each to the basic recipe(mild):

1 tsp (2 g) each for spicier level:

Cinnamon, nutmeg, coriander and ¼ tsp cloves

Vanilla extract

Top with cinnamon spice sugar

Nice handling dough

Makes 3- 12”x2 in logs

Bake 25 min-cool 10 min-slice(sharp serrated)-rebake 10 minutes



Add to basic recipe: Use ½ white/½ brown sugar- May need to increase sugar slightly.

Add 3 packets of instant coffee (packet that makes 1 serving of coffee) to eggs to dissolve 

Add  2,  1 ounce packets of pre-melted baking chocolate to oil.

¾ cup miniature semisweet chocolate chips-add to dough

Nuts go nicely with this-not a deep fudge color!Color of dark choc chip cookies.

ALMOND all measurements per full batch

To basic recipe:

1 tbsp each vanilla and almond extract

Use ½ white and ½ brown sugar option

Add 1 cup chopped almonds to dough

Top with sliced almonds

LEMON FENNEL all measurements per full batch

To basic dough: use white sugar

1 tsp lemon extract

1 tbsp(??) crushed fennel seed


To basic dough: use white sugar

1 c craisins

1 tsp orange extract-orange zest if available

1 c shelled whole pistachio nuts

White chocolate chips optional

Other flavor suggestions: Anise-traditional

Sesame-add some sesame oil, tahini and sesame seeds

Garam masala and coriander as a chai flavor

Pannetone flavor-add flower essence and orange (peels,zest,candied)

Parmesan Pepper or Pepper-fennel as a savory

Cappucino with strong coffee(6 ?packets instant),cinnamon, cloves, choc chips and hazelnuts

Poppy seed or lemon poppy seed

Pink peppercorn-pistachio or pepita

Triple Ginger (powdered ginger,fresh ginger and crystallized ginger (no other spices)(use gingerbread base)

metropical's picture

thanks clazar.  I'll give that a go.

Cheferic's picture

You mentioned the biscotti from Court street pastries in Brooklyn are hard to beat… I too have been interested in finding out there recipe and or duplicating it, I thought it might be a sourdough recipe… is this recipe you post similar to court street pastries?

metropical's picture

I can't be sure, but it worked for me and it's a whole lot closer to me than that part of BK.

I haven't made them in a while, but I think I go back and forth with almond flour and AP and barley flour ratio.

Barley added a nutty taste, but density as well.  Looking for light but hard.

Eggs and no butter I think is the main idea.

I'd also use orange zest instead of lemon, and probably experiment with how much.