The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

How to clean a Couche

DanAyo's picture

How to clean a Couche

I have an old Linen Couche that has stuck on and dried flour in places. Any ideas on how to best clean it? Never been washed and I’ve read not to do so.

Thanks in Advance,



Moe C's picture
Moe C

Can't help witht the cloth, but it's so good to see you post. You are a legend here!

alfanso's picture

"when the legend becomes fact, print the legend"

From The man who shot Liberty Valance

Abe's picture

Rubbing fresh flour on your hands helps get rid of dried flour (after kneading). Perhaps this will on a cloche too. 

tpassin's picture

I haven't needed to deal with this so far.  I'd try a thin, stiff plastic scraper. Spread out a section of the cloth nice and flat, and the scraper may be able to pop off the blobs.  Maybe a small thin putty knife would do the job too; possibly you migh want to file the corners a little round. That might leave stiff dough in the weave; flexing the cloth sharply at those places might get it to crumble.

It all sounds like a lot of work, though.  Maybe better to bite the bullet and get another couche?


alfanso's picture

Howdy Dan!

Been using the same couche regularly for a decade now.  Standard regimen is to employ a bench knife after usage, and a follow up scraping as well for any nasty remains after the couche dries.  Agree, have never washed mine either.


trailrunner's picture

I store mine in the freezer rolled tightly in a plastic bag after I’ve thoroughly shaken it off outside and air dried it.

Soaking but not rubbing it will soften the gunk accumulated and keep changing the water. Let air dry and then rub  lightly with flour and store . There isn’t any reason to discard and since you won’t ever likely need to do this again your couche will be perfectly salvageable and useful. c

OldWoodenSpoon's picture

Toilet Brush!  No Jest!!  Several years ago I took a Baguette class at the San Francisco Baking Institute.  They actually had several of the brushes, clearly labeled as to use, hanging right next to the couch hanging rack.  We were told to grab a brush and thoroughly brush our couches daily prior to hanging back on the rack.  There were lots of jokes and comments from the group, but the brushes also worked quite well for the assigned task.

The brushes had pretty soft bristles, and did not "fluff up" the snap of the couch at all.  Any such soft brush would probably work.


DanAyo's picture

Thanks for the help! I’ll give those suggestions a try. I get attached to old useful things. 

Moe C's picture
Moe C

I get attached to old useful things.

That's what my husband says about me.

trailrunner's picture

I don't know what I would do without my Momma's iron skillets that her Momma gave her ...well over 100 yrs old now. And the graniteware roasters. And....the handpainted pillow cases my Aunt made for my Grandmother when she married. My grands are sleeping on those pillowcases these 3 weeks they are here with us...they are 4 and 6. My granddaughter uses her great grandmother's hairbrush and hand held mirror each day to get ready for her camp in the forest !!! Grandmother would have probably been appalled at THAT activiy since ladies don't sweat haha. 

anyway Dan you will be able to get it back easily. I think the freezer is the best storage place particularly in the South to prevent mold and flying creepies from getting into it. Good Luck and post a pic of before and after !!! 

MTloaf's picture

Cleaning any crappie🐟  just use water. My thin linen liners get starched and stiffen up like cardboard but nothing sticks to them. I use the 50/50 rice and AP flour on them. I tend to overproof in the fridge and the dough sweats into the fabric that creates the problem. I do hand wash them in a bowl without soap and no harm done. Let them soak and wring them out a few times and air dry. 

Good to see you dropping by


albacore's picture

A variation on OWS's toilet brush; there is a brush known in equestrian circles as a bucket brush, used for cleaning out horse feed buckets and the like.

Quite small and with stiff bristles, I've got one and find it ideal for cleaning my couche cloth and brotforms/bannetons.

Lance (Hiya Danny!)

DanAyo's picture

Thanks Lance. Soaking the couche in plan water and scrubbing with a stiff brush did the trick.

Benito's picture

Sounds like you got the couche cleaned Dan.  Just wanted to say hi and that it is nice to hear from you.


TheBreadMaster's picture

If you have the chance to use specialized services for ultrasonic cleaning, that's my go-to way to clean my sofa.

albacore's picture

You must be joking, bot! 

justkeepswimming's picture

I think that reply pretty much removed any doubt about whether or not this profile is a bot. Good for a laugh though. 😂🤣😂

The Roadside Pie King's picture
The Roadside Pi...

Great timing popping in at this time! Glad you got the couch sorted. Now, let me explain the dilemma we are experiencing here at the bread club. The time for another community bake is at hand. Alas, no one is stepping forward to guide us. What grains have caught your fancy theses days? Spin us a tail about your latest creations & new renditions of old favorites. Lead us in a quest for knowledge, using the hive mind as the vehicle!  Good to see you old friend. I hope life is treating you well.


Will Falzon 

DanAyo's picture

I have not been ‘bread adventurous’ lately. My bakes consist of Hammelman’s Five Grain Levain exclusively. I have been considering TXFarmer’s Sandwich Bread. It is another favorite of mine. The thought of Babka makes my mouth water. 

I was reluctant to give up the Community Bakes for fear that they would fall by the wayside. The CB concept was exceptional and I believe benefited a lot of bakers. I hope a dedicated and consistent soul picks up the mantle and runs with it. Have you considered that challenge for yourself. You seem like a great candidate. 

God’s Best


The Roadside Pie King's picture
The Roadside Pi...
  • Alas, consistency is something I lack. I am much more suited to hanging around and being a pest!

Will F.