The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

Favorite Flour for Pizza Dough

samson's picture

Favorite Flour for Pizza Dough

I've used all purpose flour, bread flour, rice flour in combination with one of the others, AP and Bread flour combination but my overall favorite is King Arthur Caputo style "00" flour. I weigh the flour and sugar, oil, salt, yeast and water in volume measure. For me it comes together quickly and doesn't need a lot of kneading.

What's your favorite flour for pizza dough?

rondayvous's picture

I like KA bread flour as a base. Depending on my mood and availability, I will either add 20% or either unfine (whole wheat) bread flour or First Clear. Lately, I've been adding about 10% rye. If I am not in a hurry I mix the day before and stick in the fridge, taking it out a few hours before I want to bake my pies. I find leaving it in the fridge for a day or three improves the flavor.

samson's picture

Cool. Yes retarding the rise would improve the flavor. I've not heard of First Clear before, can you tell me about it?

tpassin's picture

When grain is milled in a roller mill, the white flour (patent flour) we know as AP, pastry, and bread flours come out first and then there are left-over streams of flour. The highest quality of these apparently is First Clear.  It has a higher protein and ash content than the patent flours, and is not as white.  The old-time Jewish bakers in the US (or at least New York City) used to use it in ryes.

You can bake a perfectly good loaf of bread using 100% First Clear.  You will find it absorbs water differently from AP or bread flour.

It's hard to find in retail, but one source is Baker's Authority.

samson's picture

Thanks tpassin.

Precaud's picture

My fave is a mix. Made it last night. 80% locally-grown-and milled (Valencia Flour Mills) all-purpose (noticeably yellower than most AP's) and 20% dark rye. Love the taste and chewy texture!

samson's picture

The chewy texture is a reason I like the KA "00" flour. Using honey or brown sugar rather than white sugar adds to the "special" taste.

semolina_man's picture

50/50 mix of Caputo Tipo 00 and Caputo Semola Rimacinata.

Karynaca's picture

is 1/3 Bob's Red Mill whole wheat and 2/3 white flours. The white is a combo of 1/3 King Arthur AP and 2/3 King Arthur Bread flours. I weigh the flours, salt, olive oil, sugar, and water. I use a volume measure for the small amount of yeast.

JonJ's picture

How about gluten free pizza dough?

Having friends around who are gluten free, and was wondering about what flour mix has worked well for folks here. I'm going to experiment.


JonJ's picture

(Replying to myself) for reference to others who read this thread, tried out this recipe and made some decent gluten free pizza: