The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

Baking shell

MaryMM's picture

Baking shell

Has anyone used the Brod and Taylor baking shell yet?  Do you think it's a good idea?

I had a garden accident a couple years ago and no longer have the grip strength I used to.  I haven't baked with my combo cookers for a long time.  Neither the weight nor the hot handling feels safe anymore.  I was heading toward strictly loaf pan recipes until I saw this.  What do you think?


tpassin's picture

Never tried it but it's a variation on the tried and true cloche concept.Some people have written about baking bread in light-weight covered roasting pan with good results.  This ought to do at least as well, I would think.  You would have to make sure you have enough height in the oven.  I'm not sure mine would.


Davey1's picture

Whatever is easier for you to handle without an accident happening is the best way to go. This doesn't answer which is better - just be comfortable with whatever. Enjoy!

MaryMM's picture

Might try an aluminum pot first.  Seeing that fancy one gave me ideas.  The fact that it had a handle seemed handy.  

Thanks for the thoughts.  

SweetApple's picture

Учитывая вашу ситуацию с пониженной силой хвата, использование этих инструментов может быть действительно полезным. Поэтому я говорю им «да»!

Davey1's picture

English please. Enjoy!

BrianShaw's picture

"Considering your situation with reduced grip strength, using these tools can be really helpful. So I say yes to them!"