The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

Are Oven Bread Proof Temps too Hot for Panettone?

onipar's picture

Are Oven Bread Proof Temps too Hot for Panettone?

While working with Panettone, the proofing temps get very specific. Where I live, it gets cold during the winter (prime panettone baking season). My house ambient temp is too cold (around 68 F), so I usually try to use the oven proofer, but I recently put a thermometer in there to test it out and wow, it gets over 100 F to start, then turns off to drop down, but hovers in the 90 F range longer than I'd like. It does get into the 80F range, and will stay there a while, but then the proofer turns on again to bump the temp back up. 

Anyway, do you use your oven proofer for Panettone? Better (preferably free) options? Other (preferably cheap) options? 

SueVT's picture

For me, the oven is both too hot and very imprecise. Panettone proofing temp for the final rise should not go higher than 30C. For lievito madre, it should not go above 26C ordinarily, possibly 28C for bake day refreshments.

I use a thermoelectric cooler (small), cost about $100 for LM, and a Brod & Taylor proofing box for impastos and formed loaves..

onipar's picture

Thanks, yeah, that was what I figured. I was looking at those Brod and Taylor boxes, but don't really have the $200 to blow right now. To save some money, I was looking into a small "seedling heating pad" and a Thermostat that I could put inside a cooler. I already have a rack and a cooler, so it'd be a cheap solution if it works...

onipar's picture

Another, related question: how are you all controlling the overnight "bound storage" temp? My refrigerator would be too cold...more suitable for the week-long storage than a daily storage. I have a colder room in the house but it's not temp controlled or anything. 

onipar's picture

For anyone else looking for proofing boxes, I ended up picking up this $30 set of heating pad + temp controller and sticking it in a cardboard "Misfit Markets" box I had lying around that still had the insulation in it. For $30, works like a champ! Might eventually but a Styrofoam cooler for the setup, but honestly, this works perfectly.