July 6, 2020 - 7:42am
Any advice please?
Hi! I’m a new baker and while I’ve done a couple of breads, I tried to tweak a white bread recipe. After second proofing (1h each proofing), I found the dough overproofed and tried to punch it down. The sticky dough got stuck to my fingers and became the above cobweb mess. I tried to search online re cobweb dough but want able to find any answers. Can anyone please advice what is this and what is causing this please? Your advice is very much appreciated - thank you so much!!!!
That looks ok to me. It’s just a wetter dough that is well proofed or over proofed. Use slightly wet hands or a wet scraper to work it. The stringyness is from the gluten development which is normal.
Yup. This looks fine! The gluten development is what you want. If you find you're overproofing in short periods of time, you might reduce yeast and/or see if you can lower the temperature.
Thank you. It is reassuring to know - Ur tips are useful and will incorporate them in the next loaf.. !