June 8, 2019 - 1:54pm
Some of the bakes from a cookout today
Spelt and Einkorn batards, and cinnamon raisin red fife boule. Also did 3 baguettes and 7 pizzas.
Spelt and Einkorn batards, and cinnamon raisin red fife boule. Also did 3 baguettes and 7 pizzas.
They all look great! Interesting that I am also in the middle of a red fife cinnamon raisin batch as well.
I was really happy the way the red fife cinnamon turned out. It was about 50% freshly milled red fife. I had never tried to make a cinnamon or raisin sourdough loaf before.
Mine is only 30% freshly milled Red Fife. Using cinnamon in bread can be tricky because cinnamon can impede the growth of yeast. Looks like you hit the right balance!
...and I just love the fern score. Poetic.
I might try a one sided fern. Would be good for today's Pentecost Potluck Picnick (at Poinsett Park.)