The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

Pumpkinseed Rye Kurbiskernbrot (Germany)

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CalBeachBaker's picture

Pumpkinseed Rye Kurbiskernbrot (Germany)

Today's bake: Pumpkinseed Rye   Kurbiskernbrot (Germany)

Source: The Rye Baker by Stanley Ginsberg

Notes: Increased dough to make 3 loaves @ 721gr each.

Substitutions: None

Discussion: Another nice rye bread from 'The Rye Baker'. This is a relatively easy bread to make consisting of a soaker, a sponge, and main dough. It has a nice mild-sour taste and Stanley describes it best "A medley of pumpkin seeds, crunchy flaxseed, and chewy coarse rye meal, all encased in a tender wheat rye crumb. The pumpkin seeds dominate its flavor profile, their sweet richness accented by the burnt notes of black rye malt and moderately sour finish".


Make again? - Yes, definitely.

Changes/Recommendations:  More flour in the bannetons, scale the dough for larger loaves.


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Benito's picture

Tony those loaves look amazing, a nice blend of rye, white flour,  a bit of whole wheat and rye meal.  I love the addition of the seeds, they make most breads better don’t they?  Great oven spring especially since this is mostly rye.


CalBeachBaker's picture

Thanks for the kind words Benny. This is one of the tastier breads I've baked. I agree about seeds really making breads better, they add a nice taste and texture.


Isand66's picture

I was a recipe tester for the book but I don’t remember if I tested this formula.  Looks like you nailed it either way.  
Happy baking.


CalBeachBaker's picture

Thanks Ian - I gave some to a few people and they really enjoyed it.


JonJ's picture

What lovely loaves Tony, I definitely need to give these a try. 


CalBeachBaker's picture

Thanks Jon - This bread comes together pretty easily, I think you'll enjoy it.
