The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

Proud SD dad

ReneR's picture

Proud SD dad

Very happy today, not because of some new nice bread, but for having  passed successfully the SD bread baking passion to the next generation of my family. 

In the picture the first loaf baked entirely through her own efforts by my daughter at university for the last year of her UG degree. Helped her get her own SD starter going and did a couple of trial bakes with her at home to make sure it had settled-down nicely and sent her on her way to campus and today she baked this lovely SD loaf entirely by her self.

She is over the moon about it. Hope she will carry on and develop her own expertise from here on, and find it as rewarding as I have. 

squattercity's picture

Congratulations to her!!!! That's a fine-looking boule. Sourdough baking captures something of the miraculous. Just wait until she starts on a shaggy biga.



trailrunner's picture

That first successful bread bake is 🔥

ll433's picture

That looks stunning, Rene. Very well done to both teacher and student. You must be beaming - how rewarding! I too hope my daughters will one day have the interest, patience and dedication to learn to bake (they are currently still at the playdoh stage).


pmccool's picture

Both of our daughters are capable bakers (although only one bakes with sourdough) and our granddaughter is already getting flour on her apron, too.


ReneR's picture

It's good to pass the magic (or witchcraft?!) down the generations.