The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

Decorated Focaccia

SamK's picture

Decorated Focaccia

See text below.


I've had great success with a very high hydration focaccia recipe from Milk Street.   They call it "Pour in the Pan" focaccia, because the dough is so wet it has to be poured into the pan.   It is baked at 500°F. and comes out gorgeous.   

BUT I want to decorate it for gift-giving.  When I decorate the focaccia with flat-leaf parsley, rosemary, shallot, etc the decorations wilt and almost scorch.  (see attached pic)

There are lots of examples of successfully decorated focaccia on the web, but they are baked at much lower temps.  (see attached example pics)  Thus less wilting, scorching.

One website suggested soaking the veggie decorations in lemon juice and water first.  Sadly that didn't work.  

Would really appreciate any advice - e.g. cover decorations with foil?  Or ??