October 9, 2024 - 5:14pm
Oct 9
Invisible Cities: This ruled. Instantly a classic for me. So much there. Other than saying it's at least in someway about psychogeography, I'm not sure I can really say anything more.
Today's Bread: PDLarry's custard bun. Elements are there, but it needs another try, too much bursting and I definitely overproofed and underbaked them. The custard was delicious however.
Thinking about: Deterritorialisation and accumulated reproduction. Money capital here holds a special position as both completely deterritorialised without being reterritorialised, and as the undefined capital value. Would territories expand or multiply under accumulation? likely both?
I'm trying to unlock the secret code:
Calvino-custard bun
alphabetic accumulation/phonetic deterritorialization!
Seems like a pattern may be forming... I'm planning on marraquetas next so I better get started on something with M...
man without qualities?