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Eric Clipperton's blog

Eric Clipperton's picture
Eric Clipperton

Invisible Cities: This ruled. Instantly a classic for me. So much there. Other than saying it's at least in someway about psychogeography, I'm not sure I can really say anything more.

Today's Bread: PDLarry's custard bun. Elements are there, but it needs another try, too much bursting and I definitely overproofed and underbaked them. The custard was delicious however.

Thinking about: Deterritorialisation and accumulated reproduction. Money capital here holds a special position as both completely deterritorialised without being reterritorialised, and as the undefined capital value. Would territories expand or multiply under accumulation? likely both?

Eric Clipperton's picture
Eric Clipperton

Touki Bouki: Varying from horrifying, beautiful, confusing, funny, and back to beautiful, this demands a rewatch, very powerful images


Nazi Literature in the Americas: Bolano sets up a perfect ending to the novel. The final chapter is a gut punch so unexpected and shocking that it recontextualises the rest of the book; no longer are the frightful entries merely abstract and historical encyclopedia entries but rather real personnages, real events, real suffering.

Thinking about: the "double market" the US benefited from WW2 and reconstruction. First production was increased to meet demand in Europe for weapons, then the surplus value accumulated from this could be forwarded into reconstruction. Double accumulation occurred from what an involved continental party could at best only experience as simple reproduction. (?) There has to be a better term for this after (presumably) so much has been written about this.

 Today's Bread: Simple baguette, 75% hydration, better than yesterday

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