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Nutrimill issues

gotamba's picture

Nutrimill issues

I have had a WonderMill for years, no problems.  I recently purchased a NutriMill Classic for more options over the WonderMill,  Now I am having all sorts of issues.  The biggest is flour loss, like a huge mess every time I mill.  About 1/2+ cup of flour is lost all over the place.  I filed a warranty claim and am not getting anywhere.  I sent in a video showing the problem, when you turn on the mill the lid rises up off the bowl so naturally flour will go everywhere.  YES I did makes sure I can see the word YES and hear the click as the bowl is firmly in there.  Flour is leaking around the gasket on the lid, the gasket on top of the lid where the grain goes in,  now I can see lots of flour in the vent holes around the motor assembly.  Nutrimill wants me to clean the mill with white rice.  I have milled flour exactly 4 times.  OK I will try that but there must be something wrong either with the lid/gasket or the mill itself.  Any ideas I can try besides moving outside which a lot of Nutrimill uses have said they do.  A lot of $$ to mill outside.  My WonderMIll has had zero issues for over 6 years,  

justkeepswimming's picture

I participate in a home milling group elsewhere. While I don't own a Nutrimill, I have read of others having that issue. They suggest a couple of possible causes: 

 - Sounds like you already worked through this one, but just in case: The lid may look like it's on correctly, but is in fact backwards. Once the lid is turned around, it seals correctly and the flour stays in the container. 

- There is a black knob on the back of the mill that adjusts the space between the hopper and the bottom part. If it gets loosened too much, there isn't a good seal and flour escapes.  

Hopefully this points you in the right direction. It shouldn't be that messy. 


gotamba's picture

I will try this, no one told me about turning the lid around  The black knob I know about but probably a good idea to check that each time.  These things are lot of $$$ to have so many issues.  Thanks for the tip

gotamba's picture

I returned the motor assembly today under a warranty claim.  A lot, and I mean a lot of people are posting YouTube videos of the Nutrimill and how the "lifetime warranty" helped them decide. OK read the fine print.  You pay shipping both ways and if the "technician" determines it is NOT a warranty covered issue nothing gets done. AND if they determine it only needs to be cleaned its a $50 charge for that.  Not the wonderful warranty you thought you were getting  After shipping and a pending cleaning charge I could have purchased a new one, but probably not a Nutrimill.  I purchased my WonderMill in April 2015, no issues at all since then.  So IMO for about the same $$$ go with the WonderMill.

Anyway my motor assembly was returned today and we will see what happens.  

justkeepswimming's picture

That is a lot of issues for anyone to have to deal with. Sorry!