The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

bakers templare

SeaweedBaker's picture

bakers templare

I have been looking at the templates that accompany some of the recipes on this site.   While I can develop my own version, I am interested in knowing if there is a template or series of templates to use on this site.  Baker's math is not the issue but finding a format that others can use is I might be teaching a class or two and certainly do not want to reinvent the format. 

HeiHei29er's picture

Here’s a link to a template that I created.  Feel free to download a copy of it and modify as needed.

Enter Total Flour weight and formula.  Enter prefermented flour % for a Levain and percentages of the levain makeup.  Table gives you Final Dough amounts.

SeaweedBaker's picture

I did check out your template.  I gave me an idea or two on what to change on my own template design.  Apparently, there is no "standard" template one should use in submitting a recipe on this site.   I uses bakers math all the time for formulas. It so much easier than other methods.  However, I always try to use  metric weight.