January 20, 2020 - 4:21am
Changing ingredient proportions; how to best approach
I make crackers and use a standard base for all of the products. After a LOT of research (there's next to nothing out there on cracker baking on the interwebs) I've figured out that I've put too much baking powder (by percentage) into my base and want to cut this back by half in the base I've made. This would allow me to use the batches that are already made with the new proportions. My thinking is that I need to add an additional half of the recipe amounts of all of the other ingredients by weight to half the amount of baking powder in the total batch. Does that sound right, or am I missing something?
“Cut back by half” can be vague. Do you mean you need half as much baking powder as you have? In other words, you used 2x as much? If so:
A is all other ingredients. x is how much powder you should have. Right now you have A+2x. You want 2A+2x, so you need to add A. This is because A+x is the correct proportion, so 2(A+x) is a correct double batch.
That is, you will need to add a full recipe of all ingredients minus the baking powder.
I have a MS in mathematics as my reference.
Thanks, that makes sense. I was thinking I needed to add half of the recipe to get the proportion, but this makes more sense.