Just pulled this beauty out of the oven about an hour ago. Loaf is half hard red winter wheat, half blue-tinge emmer, 68% hydration, and made with a 100% hydration WW starter. I haven't yet cut into it. But I'm loving the colors in the score. I sifted out about 2/3 of the bran, using it to line the banneton. The very edge of the ear is slightly burnt, but the crust is lovely, and as I said, I'm loving the colors in this score.
Edited: After an hour and a half (thereabouts) I cut into it. It's delicious, I'm very pleased. I made a 85% Ethiopian blue-tinged Emmer loaf a few days ago (15% bread flour) at 75% hydration that turned out extremely flat (see pic at bottom), but tasty. My husband requested a half-WW version, and I figured the gluten in hard red winter wheat would help with structure. This loaf is only around 68% hydration; not so high for hard red WW, but I wanted height and oven spring. I'm very pleased.
265 g HRWW (50%) (freshly ground, about 2/3 bran sifted out)
265 g Ethiopian blue tinged emmer (50%) (similarly freshly ground & sifted)
360 g water (68%)
10 g salt (2%)
60 g 100% WW starter (11%)
3 Tbsp barley malt syrup (about 60 g)
Steps: (note: I began this yesterday around 6:30 pm).
- Ground the wheat berries and sifted with a 40 mesh screen. Set bran aside for use in proofing basket.
- Mixed salt in with flour.
- Mixed starter and barley malt syrup into water.
- Added flour-salt mix into wet ingredients, used dough whisk to combine well, let sit for an hour.
- Perform the first of four stretch and folds (in the bowl or by picking the dough up and stretch/folding), each on the half hour.
- After last S&F, leave to bulk on counter overnight.
- In the AM (around 7:30), the dough was not as far along as I expected, so I let it continue bulking until around 9:15 or so, almost 15 hours after first mixing.
- Pre-shaped, shaped into oblong, and placed in banneton. Proofed for one and a half hours.
- Preheated clay baker in oven at 475 F about 40 minutes before bake time.
- Baked at 475 w/ cover on for 25 minutes, then another 15 mins w/cover off, 40 mins total.
For comparison's sake, here's a slice of the 85% blue tinge Emmer loaf I made last week. Slice is taken from near the tallest part of the loaf. The loaf overall was about 15% smaller (in mass) than this one, but still...
I hope it tastes as good as it looks!
It's really good. I think the whole wheat flavor is stronger than the Emmer, but it's a good balance.
I've never tried emmer. My only source for local grains doesn't carry it. One of these days!