The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.


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yozzause's picture


Yesterday a fellow bee keeper and Fremantle Bee Buddy member made a batch of Stout!  it's amazing our similarities he is a Bus driver at the Palmyra depot as was I, he loves Stout as do I, Into Bee keeping as am i. Interested in Wine and vineyards as am i.  Any way i was interested in the Spent grain from the Wort process, i had used it once before when i obtained some from "Running with Thieves" boutique brewery. When i went and picked up the spent grain Stewart said he was also keen on trying to make a loaf using the spent grain so i said i'd email him a recipe which i duly did.The next morning i thought perhaps i needed to run the recipe that id put together whilst the Spent grain was still freshThe recipe is flour 500g (100) salt 10g (2) yeast 10g (2) olive oil 10g (2) spent grain 75g (15) Wallaby bread improver 2.5g (0.5) water 325g (65)Bakers% in bracketsBulk Fermentation time was 1 hour 15minutes with finished dough temperature of 26Ctotal yield 930g i made 2 small loaves.   dough after mixing completed   dough now nicely risen  another shot of the BF   the 2 baked loaves  the spent grain bits showing up in the loaf  The slice revealing the Spent Grain Footnote  i just reviewed my previous Spent grain post, .   i also included STOUT in the liquid which gave a nice chocolate colour and malty finish  it also had the spent grain at 25%  As an interesting side fact to that post the Chef loved the bread  and i did hear that "Running with Thieves" (apprpriately named it seems)  approached the small bakery nearby to see if they could make the bread for them but were not interested, shame really because i could have probably got someone to do it for them commercially.  WOW That was 2 years ago.


Abe's picture

I like the whole idea of bread and beer. After all beer is also known as liquid bread. In ancient Egypt one industry fed the other so bakeries and breweries were build close to each other. I think what would be a nice idea is to make this into a barm bread to complete the process. 

Isand66's picture

I love the look of this one Derek.  I’ve always been a big fan of adding beer to bread and the addition of the spent grains must take this to a whole other level.  We have a ton of micro breweries on Long Island so I need to ask one for some spent grain soon and give it a try.



yozzause's picture

Thanks Ian you cant go wrong if you can talk to the head brewer and find out when they are emptying the vat out of the spent grain,  if the have a  food outlet like many of them do here and you can get get to talk to the chef too and bring them a sample . 

i have always thought that these boutique breweries should commission an exclusive loaf from a local baker to either sell over the counter of have it available with their tastings or meals.  they could supply the spent grains as well as some of their  brew for inclusion  making it unique to them.

i have just started a sour dough plain white but with 20%  sprouted red wheat, dough looks great