The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

Aussie lady visiting Wisconsin

yozzause's picture

Aussie lady visiting Wisconsin

Hi TFL folks anyone near OSHKOH I have a fellow Aussie Baker visiting the airshow with her partner  and she would love to have a coffee and chat with any bakers in the general area. She is currently at the Sydney  departure lounge and on her way shortly. i will pass on any details . kind regards  Derek


clazar123's picture

I hope some Oshkosh bakers respond. I used to live in Milwaukee (a bit south of Oshkosh) but am no longer there.

yozzause's picture

That's a shame she would have loved to have had a sit down and a coffee and chat with you im sure.                                                                                                                                      i haven't seen you post for quite a while. i hope you are keeping well

clazar123's picture

I am, indeed, keeping well. I have been more of a lurker, lately, but I still respond occasionally. Especially for whole wheat questions. It does seem that new posters are less likely to followup on responses and that can be a bit frustrating.  

Bread and baked goods have become a minor part of my diet so I do not bake often but I really enjoy what I do bake. I could not have developed the skills without this site and all the supportive people-such as yourself.

Thank you for the inquiry. I really hope someone does respond to meet the Aussie guest in Oshkosh.

yozzause's picture

What a nice response clazar 123 thankyou!    i have been disappointed  with many of the new TFL members, they dont fill in their Profiles which i have always found interesting as this group has world wide interest. It certainly helps if you are trying to advise if you know that they most likely have completely different circumstances to you. On occasions you can spend some time trying to find old notes that might be relevant and you dont even get acknowledgement. I am always happy to assist or give the benefit of my experience but these days i am tending to restrict my time and energy to those that are least prepared to share their basic profile. I have been fortunate to have met in person some of the TFL members from around the world as well as finding a few that are local just through knowing a little about my fellow members.