The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.


CalBeachBaker's picture



Source:   Mastering Pizza - Marc Vetri

Note:   Makes 2, Pan Size = 14 BY 10 INCHES/35.56 BY 25.4 CM

Substitutions: None


Pans - I used this bake to do a run of my new Detroit Pizza Pans after performing the 5 seasoning bakes.  I have to say that these pans performed admirably, they heat quickly and evenly and the dough came out reasonably easy for the first bake in them. I'm looking forward to future bakes of the various types of deep dish pizzas and other types of focaccia.

Focaccia - This yeasted focaccia is a 50/50 mix of bread flour and 100% spelt flour and the spelt gives the crust and crumb a hint of sweetness. The crust was crunchy and crumb had a nice chew to it. The focaccia went nicely with a blue cheese and a goat cheese.

As a side note, I have been reading Marc Vetri's books for some time and was inspired by him to get into milling my own flours. I had emailed his restaurant for information and recommendations on home mills and they were kind enough to reply with mill recommendations.

Make again? - Yes, it was tasty.

Changes/Recommendations: Decrease the bake time, these pans are really quite efficient and I think this bake got away from me a little bit. Grind the dried rosemary less. Maybe increase size by 25% and the hydration 1% or 2%










trailrunner's picture

I have Detroit pans that look like yours. Where did you purchase yours? I love mine  ! What did you season with/ temp/ timing? After many uses the black is wearing off so I’m getting ready to redo mine. What are the other two flat/ ribbed sheets?Im definitely going to try this formula and increase the weights. I use 500g of dough in each pan for my pizzas.

. I top with chopped Monterey Jack all the way to the edges of the pan. I can’t get Brick cheese locally. I pre bake after brushing heavily with my sauce at 500 for 10 min after the crust rises in the pan. Then top and bake at 425 til bubbly cheese. I usually make 3 crusts we eat one and I freeze two pre baked .

I’m going to look up the Vetri book. You always give great details. c

CalBeachBaker's picture



I purchased them from from

They recommend using a very thin coat canola oil, put pans in a preheated oven @ 475F for 30-40 mins, they will smoke so a vent fan is suggested. Remove the pans and let  them cool to room temp then repeat for a total of 4-5 times.

The 'ribbed sheets' are plastic lids available on their website.  I'm hoping to get dual use of the pans by using them to cold ferment pizza dough.

I'm looking forward to your posting on this recipe!

Thanks for the pizza tips.


trailrunner's picture

That’s where I got mine as well. I didn’t get the lids and bought the unseasoned ones. 

I used flax seed oil as that’s what we use for our steel woks . We have two , the oldest we bought 52 yrs ago when we got married. Has seen a lot of use. Periodically my husband cleans and re-seasons it. He’s the Chinese food expert 😊. 

I just need to redo our pizza steel pans as I’ve used them a lot since I put the original 4 coats on. They still release the dough well even though the steel is showing silver at present in places. 

Another tip for real Detroit pizza is using butter inside the pan not oil for baking the crust. That’s an important component in the original formula. Huge difference in the crust flavor and texture. I use a pastry brush and slather on soft butter on all sides and bottom. Press in 500 g  dough — its cold from being retarded, let rise in buttered pan brush with sauce all the way to edges… no crust showing . Bake 10 min at 500 turn oven back and put toppings , not sauce , bake 425-450 till bubbly take out spoon on sauce in rows. Serve with extra sauce for dipping. Cheese must touch the buttered edges of pan all around so it melts and makes the chewy cheesy crisp deliciousness on all the edges. No bare crust in this pizza. 

you can find all this when you google Detroit pizzas. There are pictures in my blog here on TFL. If you can get real Brick cheese do that but Monterey Jack is a tasty substitute and melts great… don’t grate it cut in small cubes. 

Haha… very detailed! But so worth it. I put grated mozzarella and Parmesan also on top not the whole milk wet kind though as it’s too wet. 

look forward to seeing yours!

edited : this makes 3 10x 14 crusts. I have 3 pans

290g ripe starter 

576g water

680g flour of your choice ( I use T80 French + Semola Rimacinata )

14g salt 

12g NON diastatic malt for flavor and sweetener ( you can make your own by baking diastatic for about 10 min @ 350°watch it doesn’t brown 

20g EVOO

can add 1/2 tsp active dry yeast if needed not necessary if your starter is strong. Mix all autolyse and then do a few s&f’s then let it go in well oiled Large container. Take out fold again place back in oiled container in fridge over night up to a couple days. Use cold as above ….



CalBeachBaker's picture

Thanks for the tips and dough formula. That was very kind of you to add it. I'll have to give it a try in the future.



gavinc's picture

They look quite nice. 50% spelt is always a nice taste. I agree with you about the bake - I'd reduce the oven temp for the second half of the bake. 

Very nice write-up and evaluation notes.



CalBeachBaker's picture

Thanks Gavin I appreciate the input.


Benito's picture

Your focaccia look delicious Tony, it’s been a while since I’ve made one.  I guess I’ve been making more Roman style pizzas instead.  I will have to make a focaccia with more wholegrain next time as you did.


CalBeachBaker's picture

Thanks Benny - I appreciate the kind words.
