The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

Sicililano muffalata hero sandwich. On oven fresh Sicililano sourdough semolina bread

The Roadside Pie King's picture
The Roadside Pi...

Sicililano muffalata hero sandwich. On oven fresh Sicililano sourdough semolina bread


Just like they do it in New Orleans!



gavinc's picture

I think I just had a heart attach just looking at that sandwich. I remember visiting NYC in 20004 and went to the Stage Door Cafe and ordered a Rubens sandwich. It came out served on a large plate, at least 6" high with loads of various meats, cheese and pickles. Enough to last me a week! The owner joined us at the table when he heard we from Australia. I ate the whole sandwich washed down with plentiful beers as I didn't want to offend him. We enjoyed his company until the wee hours. :) I rolled back to our hotel.