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Mr Reinhart's New Pizza Book

Postal Grunt's picture
Postal Grunt

Mr Reinhart's New Pizza Book

Peter Reinhart has a newly released, at least as far as I can tell, book on pizza titled "Perfect Pan Pizza". It's obvious that he loves all things pizza and in this book he covers Detroit style pizza, pan style, Sicilian, Grandma, and foccacia.

The first pages are joyfully dedicated to his methodology of building that better crust because the crust is the best thing on a great pizza. Even though I don't have access to the same kind of equipment PR does, I believe that's true as well. There are three main dough recipes included in the the book that may require gaining experience through practice, practice, practice before they're mastered because there's an 80% hydration level common to all three. The book includes a lot of recipes for his favorite pies but I found that most of them have ingredients that are more common to artisan pizza restaurants than my pantry or refrigerator. Nevertheless, that aspect won't dampen enthusiasm the next time it's Pie Time in your kitchen.

This is a definite buy for the person who has to have every pizza book available in his or her library. For the rest of us, I'd suggest that you borrow the first copy available through your local library and read it thoroughly before you grab your Visa card and order a copy. Either way, you'll enjoy time spent delving into this book.

Benito's picture

Thanks for posting this.  I have a copy of this on hold from our public library, and your mini review is making me your anxious to get it.


idaveindy's picture

Perfect Pan Pizza, in Kindle format, is currently on sale for $2.99 plus sales tax. Oct 14, 2019. THese sales usually last only a couple days, so if you have the Kindle reading app, get it quickly.

The "frog" thing in the URL  gives the site owner a few pennies in his tip jar via Amazon referral fees.