The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

orange "hooch"? on aging pizza dough

Thor Simon's picture
Thor Simon

orange "hooch"? on aging pizza dough

I currently have a batch of pizza dough (Jeff Varasano's recipe with the amount of sourdough starter per pie slightly increased) aging in my fridge.  It's been in there for 2 days now and is rising somewhat more slowly than I'd expect.

Over the past day and a half each of the three separate tupperware containers of dough has developed some reddish-orange oily-looking liquid around the edges of the bowl, at the top of the dough.  I'm concerned about this -- is it dangerous?  Will it have a negative effect on the flavor of the dough?  Will the dough ever finish rising to its normal bulk?

I've never had any problem with my starter, which was originally purchased from King Arthur about eight months ago.  I fed the starter when I made the pizza dough, let it sit on the counter for 12 hours, and it seems fine -- no weird residue or hooch.  A loaf of bread I made with the starter at the same time is fine too.

I do probably have a lot of weird yeast flying around my kitchen at the moment -- the local grocery had german wheat beers on sale last week and there are several empty bottles, some with obvious yeast residue, in my recycle bin waiting for pickup tomorrow.



wassisname's picture

Did you oil the containers before you put the dough in?  That happens to my pizza dough in the fridge, especially if I'm a little heavy handed with it.  It works it's way up the sides and makes this mungy looking ring around the top of the dough.  The color gets funny sometimes too, darker.  Doesn't bother anything. 

Nickisafoodie's picture

Have kept his wet hydration dough in oiled bowls for up to 5 days in fridge with no off colors or issues - so perhaps your containers need replacing?  if scrathed, perhaps bacteria is hiding there?


Mini Oven's picture
Mini Oven

before you put your dough in there?