The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

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occidental's picture

We had charro beans (using Anasazi beans) on the menu and some cream cheese in the fridge we needed to use.  I came up with a "Chile Cream Cheese" sourdough to soak up some of the beans.  

I ran across this recipe: and used it for inspiration, although I scaled it down for one loaf, added in the suggested whole wheat, and used a different mix of herbs and spices as well as altering the time scale.  

I replaced the rosemary and black pepper in the original with dried Hatch chiles and chipotle powder.  

The results were a very soft textured (due to the cream cheese addition) bread with a great chile aroma (not a lot of chile flavor, I'd bump it up significantly if I tried it again) that was perfect for dunking in the beans. In the formula below I just put a gram each of the seasonings, more of a reminder they are in there than a precise measure.  I used about a tablespoon of dried Hatch chile flakes and oregano and a teaspoon of chipotle powder.


Chile Cream Cheese Sourdough
formulatotal dough
 weight    bakers % 
starter (1:1)75 flour438100% 
flour400 water33877%HYDRATION
water300 salt81.8% 
f+w700 ADD INS:   
salt8 chipotle pepper (dry spice)1  
total783 cream cheese30  
   dried hatch chile1  
Flours %prefermented flour389% 
total flour400      
METHOD: Notes   
refresh starter ~8 hours before mixing Original formula here:
mix flour and water, autolyse 60-180 minutes, mix in remaining ingredients, knead in bowl, transfer to cambro Timing: autolyse at 0730; mix at 0930 (used kitchenaid to mix in cream cheese; s&f at 1000, 1030, 1100, 1130; BF until 1600; shape, let rise until 1700; bake, cool and done at 1800
stretch and fold in 30 minute intervals for 2 hours, then bulf ferment until increased 30-40%  
shape into batard, rise 1 hour  
bake at 475, 20 minutes covered, 15 minutes uncovered 


VickiePNW's picture

Made a little loaf in a disposable foil mini loaf pan (which I reuse over and over). Because pork belly is so rich, I decided that they needed to be small sandwiches. With gorgonzola and mayo, and the sandwiches warmed through on Steam Bake for a few minutes, they were so good that I had three.

tothpianopeter's picture

Good afternoon all!

It has been a while since my last entry on TFL. It's panettone season, so I thought I would make them again using maestro Giorilli's formula. I followed the same procedure as outlined in my previous blog entry, here:

I am quite pleased with the results. Here are some pictures.



occidental's picture

I kept at the experimentation with the blue corn sourdough after using some in the community bake. This time around was a bit simpler approach.

I started with 100 grams of 100% hydration starter

I scalded 75 grams of blue corn flour with 150 grams of water (probably wasn't enough water in hindsight as this is a thirsty flour).

I then mixed the starter with 300 grams of bread flour and 260 grams of water, 6 grams of salt.  I made the dough higher in hydration thinking that the corn may dry it out some.  After the mix and a rest I added in the corn.  It was a bit clumpy but after a couple stretch and folds it finally was incorporated into the dough, more or less.

I baked this in a combo cooker, 20 minutes with the lid and another 25 without.  It was pretty slack and moist when I did the final shape, so I was pleasantly surprised to see the decent oven spring.

It has a nice crisp crust and decent crumb, with swirls of blue (purple) and a few larger globs of corn.  Not bad as an experiment.


Tom C's picture
Tom C

I have hope that I might get lucky and find someone that has either made one or can show me how to make a spreadsheet on a Mac Laptop using numbers.I know very little about this. Thats up front my disclosure. I have always been a gluten for punishment in the the fact that I take on things I should never attempt. I love to learn but I am not formally educated. I have been baking for years. My mother taught the boy’s and girls how to be well versed in all things. I get a sense of accomplishment from at least trying to do my own thing. I have no idea if this is a good idea or even feasible. Having said this I am officially open to receive any thoughts, ideas and criticism with a kind heart. Thank you in advance.


Tom C

aly-hassabelnaby's picture

Hey everyone,

I've finally managed to post another recipe on my website, this time for a crunchy type of bread we have in Egypt called Fayesh. This one has a unique sourdough used to leaven it which is made from fermenting ground chickpeas in milk at room temperature. Has anyone seen something like this before? Because I certainly haven't until I started looking into this recipe.

I hope you find the recipe interesting and maybe try it yourself and let me know how it goes for you. Maybe there's room for a wider discussion on different sources of fermentation as well, since this one was an eye opener for me.

The Roadside Pie King's picture
The Roadside Pi...

While I did achieve the marbling effect, I was hoping for a more vivid color. Additionally, I want to say the Bread is on the under fermented side. Still a worthy endeeavor.


Isand66's picture

These were the other batch of rolls I made to bring to Thanksgiving dinner. You can’t go wrong combining cranberries with pecans, walnuts and potatoes.  Well at least in my opinion :).

I soaked the dried cranberries in water for several hours and after draining the cranberries I used the remaining water as indicated in the main dough.  I also added some cherry juice to the levain but if you have cranberry juice you can use that instead or just omit it and use all water.

The butter and purple roasted and mashed sweet potatoes added some nice softness to the rolls.  These came out really nice and tasted amazing.  If you don’t like nuts you can easily leave them out and just use cranberries and maybe even some orange zest.

The freshly milled durum and whole wheat were both milled and sifted with a #30 drum sieve, re-milled at the finest setting on my Mockmill 200 and sifted with a #40 sieve.


Levain Directions

Mix all the levain ingredients together for about 1 minute and cover with plastic wrap.  Let it sit at room temperature for around 5-8 hours or until the starter has doubled.  I usually do this the night before.

Either use in the main dough immediately or refrigerate for up to 1 day before using.

 Main Dough Procedure

Mix the starter with about 90% of the water holding some back for after the autolyze.  Next add the flour, and mix for a minute until roughly incorporated.  Let the dough autolyze for an hour.  After an hour add the salt, purple sweet potato and softened butter and additional water as needed.  If using an Ankarsrum mix on medium low for 15 – 20 minutes until you have a well developed dough.  If using another mixer you can mix as needed until you have a well developed dough.  Remove the dough from your bowl and place it in a lightly oiled bowl or work surface and do several stretch and folds.  Let it rest covered for 10-15 minutes and then laminate the dough and add in the nuts (chopped into small pieces) and cranberries.  After a total of 2 hours place your covered bowl in the refrigerator and let it rest for 12 to 24 hours. (Note: I use my proofer set at 80 F, so if you are leaving the dough out at room temperature you may want to let it proof for longer.  The goal is not to have the dough double but maybe rise about 1/3 at most and it will do the rest in the refrigerator.

When you are ready to bake remove the bowl from the refrigerator and let it set out at room temperature still covered for 1 hour.  Remove the dough and shape into rolls around 100 grams each for dinner rolls.  Cover the rolls with a moist tea towel or plastic wrap Sprayed with cooking spray and let rise at room temperature for 1 1/2 at around 80 degrees.  The rolls should be nice and puffy and increase in size about 30-40%

Around 45 minutes before ready to bake, pre-heat your oven to 450 degrees F. and prepare it for steam.  I have a heavy-duty baking pan on the bottom rack of my oven with 1 baking stone on above the pan and one on the top shelf.  I pour 1 cup of boiling water in the pan right after I place the dough in the oven.

Right  you are ready to put them in the oven, apply an egg wash if desired. Next add 1 cup of boiling water to your steam pan or follow your own steam procedure.

After 1 minute lower the temperature to 425 degrees.  Bake for 25 minutes or until the rolls are nice and brown.

Take the rolls out of the oven when done and let them cool on a bakers rack for as long as you can resist.


Isand66's picture

  I had made a version of these rolls a few years ago and decided to update it slightly and make them to bring to my relatives house for Thanksgiving along with another style of roll I will post later.

The main change was to use Caputo 00 flour instead of bread flour and to use a Cocoa bean infused maple syrup.  This created a softer roll.  I’m not sure you really taste the cocoa bean maple syrup to be honest so using regular flavored maple syrup would probably not make much of a difference.

The Greek Yogurt along with the rolled oats made these rolls nice and moist and tasty.  They seemed to be a big hit with the Thanksgiving dinner.

For toppings I used a beaten egg with a little water and salt to brush the rolls and sprinkled on some “everything bagel” topping on some, dried onions and grated some Vermont cheddar on some others.

I added the water content of the maple syrup to the overall dough hydration but forgot to add it to the hydration with add ins so that’s off a little.  This was a sticky dough and I used some baking oil spray to make it easier to form the rolls.  You want to avoid adding too much if any flour if possible.



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