The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.


5 is nice's picture
5 is nice


First post about my bread here, hopefully this is the right place. A pretty simple formula, just 50/50 rye and wheat. I used wholegrain rye and regular bread flour, and scalded 10% of the total flour (the rye flour was scalded). I used a regular wheat starter fed with plenty of rye (unoptimal, but I don't have any bandwith for a new starter at the moment). I made the dough pretty firm. I worried I might have went under on the final proof, but I think it came out fine. The last 2 tries of this I overhydrated the dough and went too far on the bulk fermentation. Taste is nice, the aroma of it when it first came out of the oven was very, very strong of earth/grass, I wasn't ready for how strong it smelled, lol. But the taste itself is actually pretty mild and pleasant, similar to the strong aroma when it came out but mild. The crumb was pretty light, moist, and not grainy. I cut into it the day after baking, and by 2 days the sourness had increased which I was also surprised by even though I had read about this beforehand. I think I did pretty good with this bake, but I am pretty unfamiliar with high rye breads, so any thoughts are welcome.

squattercity's picture

You've made me hungry for a rye, 5 is nice.

50/50s are hard. Yours looks great, but perhaps you can tell us more about your process: did you create a levain? of how much flour? All rye or a mashup? What were the timings & the hydration? What temp did you bake it at? For how long?



5 is nice's picture
5 is nice


My mehtod is as follows:  

-preferment (25% PFF)

10% starter/seed culture, not too old (100% hydration, 5% water and 5% flour, mine was wheat)

20% whole rye flour

20% water

Fermented at 30°C for about 5-6 hours, until a few bubbles start popping at the top and smells slightly sour


10% whole rye flour

30% boiling water

Mixed and left to cool to room temperature

-main dough

20% whole rye flour

45% bread flour (14% protein)

1.8% salt

~33% water

I dissolved the preferment, scald, salt, and rye flour into the water, and then worked in the bread flour. I aimed for a pretty stiff dough, but also one that doesn't take too much work to hydrate everything. I initially used 30% final water and then worked in an extra 3%, final hydration is 88%*. It felt like a almost full rye dough at the start (clay-like), but it would develop gluten which would make it more elastic during the upcoming stretch and fold. I worked with 400g total flour here.

Bulk fermented for about 1h30m at 30°C, with one stretch and fold 30m in, and then fridge overnight. Next day the dough had about 60-70% growth, inside was quite airy (looked a bit like a spider-web biga). I let it warm up for 30m or so, then I shaped it into a round. It got proofed for about 1h20m in a banneton at room temperature (which is 30°C, the dough was climbing slowlyup to room temp at this point) , it probably got 50% more volume here. The dough stood tall and still quite firm when put out of banneton. Scored then baked at 230°C on stone with steam in the first 12m and then 25m without steam, until bottom sounded hollow. In the oven, dough sprung about 20-30% bigger than pre-bake volume. Wait 8-12hrs before slicing.

Note that my growth percentages are estimates, I just eyeballed how much it grew in the bowl and banneton.

*was a mistake, previously written as 83%

jo_en's picture

Looks delicious!

5 is nice's picture
5 is nice

It sure was delicious, I am pretty happy with how it turned out.