The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

50-50 Emmer Rolls

tpassin's picture

50-50 Emmer Rolls

I used the same formula as for my 50-50 Emmer bread -

and made rolls instead of a loaf.  The process was the same.  I portioned the dough into 4-oz (114g) pieces.  This might be a little large for a roll, and I would probably go for either 3 or 3.5 oz next time (85 - 100 g).  The dough, though a bit sticky,  was easy to shape as long as I used a little flour on my hands and the bench.  The rolls overnighted in the refrigerator on a parchment-covered cutting board, covered with a sheet of plastic wrap. There was no sign of drying out or slumping.

To get the glaze, I mixed a little water with an egg yolk and brushed on a double layer after slashing.  I have found that using an egg yolk instead of a whole egg makes for a deeper glaze, sometimes even looking like it was lacquered.

These were baked with steam on a baking steel at 450° F for 15 minutes.

The crust is softish, which is good for a roll.  The crumb and flavor are just about the same as for the linked 50% emmer loaf. 


Another Girl's picture
Another Girl

These look great. I've been following your ancient grains posts with interest. Thank you for sharing your experience. –AG

tpassin's picture

Thanks, AG!

Another thing to do with this dough is to make English muffins instead of rolls.  I think it would work well, but I'm not sure the flavor would be quite what I want from a muffin.  I might try it anyway.


Benito's picture

Wonderful looking rolls Tom, with the scoring they look like boules.  Nicely done.


tpassin's picture

Thanks, Benny!

tpassin's picture

The funny thing is that these weren't going to be rolls.  I meant to make a 1-lb loaf by scaling down the recipe, but my mind wandered and I scaled to 50% instead of 75%.  That would have made a tiny loaf, not what I wanted.  Then I realized it would be just right to make 4 or 5 rolls.  And here we are.


Isand66's picture

Great job.  These look great and I’m sure are perfect with some butter or cheese.

