The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

What I’ve been baking lately

camerjones's picture

What I’ve been baking lately

Hello there,


It’s been a very long time since my last post, and I have no idea of what that even was.  Mostly I use The Fresh Loaf as a resource, and I must say I am always amazed at the detail in most of the posts. I myself am a rather haphazard baker, mostly making the same thing (Tartine style loaf) over and over. 

I’ve never really made a good ciabatta, a fact that always gnawed at me, and discovered a had a recipe that I has stashed away in my iPad notes that I had never tried. It’s the Ponsford ciabatta recipe, and it really worked amazingly well. Given the cost of bread nowadays, I plan to make this in large batches and freeze it since it defrosts so quickly.

The other bread I have made lately is the Pumpkinseed Rye from Stanley Ginsberg’s The Rye Baker, except it has no pumpkinseeds in it. Turns out my oldest son is allergic to pumpkinseeds, a fact I became aware of the last time I made this bread. I replaced it with sunflower seeds, and I love this bread. It’s roughly 60% rye, and has an amazing texture. I’d post a picture, but I have tried but have no idea how to do so. The upload process told my file was too big. Oh well.

I do have one question after all this.  I keep a firm rye sourdough in the fridge ala No Fuss No Muss courtesy of dabrownman (many thanks, by the way) but lately I have found I am getting a thin layer of white mold over my culture within about 10 days of refreshing it. Does anybody have a favorite container they keep a firm culture in?


Thanks very much,




gavinc's picture

HI Camerson.

I slice my bread after it cools. I then put it in a freezer bag and put into the freezer. I then take out a few slices as needed. It works for all types of bread.

My sourdough culture is a firm rye I feed every morning. It takes about five minutes and uses 20-gram stone-ground rye I mill weekly. It is only about 45-47 gram total. If I'm going to bake the next day, I use the mornings discard to start the first stage of a liquid levain. The white mold you see is just the rye culture telling you it's hungry. I only refrigerate my culture if we are going away for a week.

This is my sourdough culture in a clean small bowl every morning. 

