The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

Single score on batards results in teardrop shape

JonJ's picture

Single score on batards results in teardrop shape

I've been doing something strange lately with my scoring - when scoring for an ear, I get this teardrop shape.

Scoring is done with a curved blade lame, and I try and score on the side of the loaf. Paid attention today - it starts off with some snagging, and then after that the blade runs smoothly, and I try and continue the score all the way to the far end of the loaf. And I don't think the score commences right at the end of the loaf, but does run all the way to the end on the other side. Could it be that, or, am I too far towards the side?

Made two breads today with exactly the same shape! As you can see the oven spring was fairly strong, and it does have a 'good side' where it looks nice and symmetrical.

What do you think needs to change?




Benito's picture

That is a good looking loaf Jon, love the seeded crust.  In the last photo on the right side of the loaf, it looks as if the ear doesn’t open quite as much as on the left side.  I wonder if that area with the reduced ear and correspondingly less oven spring, is related to your blade dragging and the dough closing up a bit again.  Did you try going over that area of the dough again with the blade?  I’d say that the score closing a bit gave the dough more resistance to opening up during oven spring and ear formation.


JonJ's picture

I'll try going over that area with the blade next bake, thanks for the help.

We almost never take photos of our loaves facing the ear. It looks so strange from that angle! Looking at that photo made me think I should score closer to the centre as well.

Mini Oven's picture
Mini Oven

the distribution of seeds?  I notice more on the rounded end than the pointy end as if the seeds dried the crust skin more setting it in the oven sooner while the end with less seed kept expanding. Could that influence the shape?

JonJ's picture

You know what Mini that might make a good experiment to make an unseeded loaf next time. I'll give it a try. Thanks!