June 30, 2020 - 4:56pm
The Bread Book by Thom Leonard - Lending Library
I don't like to buy Kindle books, I find them hard to read, but the good news is they don't take up space on a shelf. OTOH, while paper bound books take up room, when I don't find a need to keep them, I can always send them to someone else to read. I have The Bread Book - it is a little dog eared ( or dog chewed more precisely ) though only in one corner and it doesn't interfere with the binding or reading the book. If anyone is interested, just pay the shipping, and agree that once you are done with it, if you don't want to keep it, you will pass it on to someone else. https://www.amazon.com/Bread-Book-Seed-Loaf-approach/dp/0936184094
Thanks, the book is spoken for.