Ok, Take KA bread flour in the blue package, or, say Pillsbury "Better for Bread" that my mom used for years. How are those flours different from a bolted whole wheat flour? I've read in several places that you can't do that (make bread flour) at home.
That depends where you live, I expect! I know you can buy Anita's Organic Red Fife flour in Western Canada, for example.
Grafton Stone Mill in Grafton, Wisconsin sells it locally. They are new.
You can buy some Turkey at Heartland Mill, either whole wheat or bolted, and then sift it more finely.
Ok, Take KA bread flour in the blue package, or, say Pillsbury "Better for Bread" that my mom used for years. How are those flours different from a bolted whole wheat flour? I've read in several places that you can't do that (make bread flour) at home.