The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

Sesamo from Sullivan Street Bakery Cookbook

caryn's picture

Sesamo from Sullivan Street Bakery Cookbook

Today I experimented with a recipe from the Sullivan Street Bakery Cookbook that I borrowed from the library. Jim Lahey’s techniques are very different from anything I have done before. Besides his method for propagating  a biga, I tried his high speed mixing technique. I think it worked quite well, but I am waiting for it to cool enough to cut into it.


alfanso's picture

The pane pugliese mix here? I believe the dough for this bread can a combination of white and semolina.  What is the percentage of semolina/durum in this, if there is any?  I love  semolina bread topped with sesame seed.  For me, what's not to like?

caryn's picture

Thank you for your compliment. My result was certainly due to the interesting technique explained by Lahey! His recipe did not include semolina at all, just white flour and a very small amount of bran. I have made semolina bread with sesame seeds and agree that it is a great combination. I think I have made the formula by Hamelman.