The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

Cheddar & Thyme

rgreenberg2000's picture

Cheddar & Thyme

I made up a large batch of my Cheddar/Thyme bread Sunday for customers.  I just love this bread!  I find it fun to mix in the inclusions, as it breaks up the monotony of just folding. :)  I had to add an extra baking day this week, as this formula has become quite popular!  My daughter made sure that I baked an extra for us to have, too. :)

Formula (percentages inclusive of flour/water in levain):

Bread Flour (CM ABC+) 60%

AP Flour (Ardent) 30%

CM Red Spring (fresh milled) 5%

CM White Winter (fresh milled) 5%

Sharp Cheddar, shredded 20%

Thyme, dried .5%

Water 77%

Salt 2%

Levain 20%

I mix together everything except the salt until all is moistened, then let rest for 30 minutes.  After 30 minutes I add the salt (pinch in with fingers), then stretch/slap fold about 10 times.  Rest 25 minutes, perform coil folds (usually twice around), then rest again for 25 minutes.  If the dough is feeling strong, I'll add inclusions now, otherwise just coil fold again and rest for 25.  Inclusions go in now if not before.  I add the inclusions by covering half the dough, folding over, flatten a bit, cover half the dough, fold over, repeat until all inclusions are in.  This counts as my fold for this time period.  Perform another coil fold or two on 25 minute intervals as needed.

Total bulk on these loaves was just under four hours with a dough temp of ~80-81° (it was hot.)  Divided @ 1kg and pre-shaped.  Rested while I prepped my bannetons, then shaped, rolled in WW flour/rice flour @ 50/50 mix, rested at RT for 30 minutes, then into fridge.  Baked @ 475° after a 16 hour retarded proof, 15 minutes steam, 25 minutes without.

Man this bread always makes the house smell amazing!  The aroma of the baking cheese and thyme is intoxicating!



Benito's picture

That is a handsome loaf Rich, your customers are lucky to have you baking for them.


rgreenberg2000's picture

Thanks, of these days, we'll keep a loaf for us and get a crumb shot! :)

I feel like the lucky one! :)


Isand66's picture

That’s one tasty loaf.


rgreenberg2000's picture

Appreciate that, Ian.  This formula is, indeed, very tasty!  I actually over did the thyme in this batch (scaling error) so it was very herb forward, but still excellent!  I even had two customers ask if there was lemon zest in the bread......I find there is a lemony flavor that comes through with thyme.


CalBeachBaker's picture

Nice loaf Rich. Next time I'll follow your advice and grate the cheese, much better result.


rgreenberg2000's picture

Thanks, Tony.  The grated really does work well.  Funny thing is, after your blog post yesterday, I am thinking I'm going to try a mix of shredded and small dice in a loaf I'm making for us today......I'm curious to see if different cheese preparations make any difference in the finished bread.  Most likely difference will be aesthetic.


tpassin's picture

Really nice looking loaf, Rich!

I don't normally add herbs or spices to my doughs, except sometimes caraway to rye, and now I'm wondering about re-thinking that. 


rgreenberg2000's picture

This particular combo is great, I've also used a bit of rosemary with this one, too.  Just a bit, though, as it's strong!  Another good herb combo is with olives.  Thyme, rosemary, even sage goes well with an olive loaf.  Fun to play around with!