The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

Chanerelle and Olive Loaf

CrustyJohn's picture

Chanerelle and Olive Loaf

I haven't been logging loaves as much recently in part because I don't have easy internet access but also because I haven't been doing too much different.


  I found a handful of chanterelles the day before I wad planning to bake, so that became the inspiration for this one.  For whatever reason the ones I've found this year don't seem to have much flavor, but it's still fun to throw them in.  Olives are always a nice savory addition.

450g loaf

40% Maine Grains whole wheat (more recent milling batch than earlier in the year, quality seems a bit lower)

60% KAF special patent

85% hydration

50g starter

3 tsp salt

Handful sauteed chanterelles

Handful oil packed olives


Room temp. Throughout ~65-70°

-mix water, starter, and flour; sit 1 hr.

-pinch in salt and knead some

-stretch and fold every half hour over 3 hours

-continue bulk fermentation 8 hrs.


-retard 11 hrs.



I think this once was dancing on the edge of the hydration and bulk fermentation limits.  It felt loose and jiggly when turning it out to bake, and it spread a bit after being turned out onto the stone.  But it came through!  The crumb is really soft and airy, and the flavor is nice and rich!


CalBeachBaker's picture


That's a nice looking loaf and I really like the chantrelles and olive add-ins. I did a similar bake some time back and this inspires a revisit.

Well done.


CrustyJohn's picture

Thanks!  It something a bit differently.   I certainly enjoy seeing your many creative loaves- lots of inspiration.

Bronze's picture

Chantarelles are such a fun treat to find under an oak. Can't imagine how phenomenal this tastes and smells.

CrustyJohn's picture

Yes, I mostly enjoy the thrill of finding them.  I've been finding them a lot on gravelly roadsides here this year.

Benito's picture

Oh chanterelles what a great idea with the olives in bread.  Mushrooms are used so infrequently inside breads, this must have a wonderful flavour John.  A beautiful bake.


CrustyJohn's picture

Thanks, I got the idea from a loaf post I'd seen a few years back.  I can't say I detect much flavor from the mushrooms, but they're fun to use!