The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

Apple pie pictures

Floydm's picture

Apple pie pictures




Teresa_in_nc's picture

What a beautiful harvest photo - pretty enough to frame....or eat!

JMonkey's picture


I see that you don't peel your apples for the pie. I've been tempted to leave them unpeeled myself, but I was always swayed by the thought of unpleasant cooked peels.

What heppens to the peels when they bake?

Floydm's picture

Um... not much.  They cook down.  They are a little tough, but it doesn't really bother me.

Peeling them produces a superior pie to not peeling them, I think, but I only have so much time.  Apple pie with peels is still better than no pie at all. :)