Braidat altamr wal aljoz(Dates and Walnut Quick Bread)
Becke from Colombus Foddie has unveiled the new theme for breadbakingday #02 - bread with fruit.
More information about how to participate, deadline etc. you'll find here.
1 cup white flour.
3\4 teaspoon baking powder.
1\4 teaspoon baking soda.
1\2 teaspoon ground cardamom.
3\4 cup dried dates.
1\3 cup hot water.
1\2 cup butter.
1\2 cup brown sugar.
1 teaspoon vanilla.
4 eggs.
1 teaspoon salt.
1 cup Chopped walnut.
1/2 cup fresh dates, chopped. (Optional)
1 tablespoon toasted sesame seeds.
1) Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2) In a small bowel mix together:1\3 cup hot boiling water + 3\4 cup dried dates. (let it cool before use it).
3)In the bowl of an electric mixer cream together butter and sugars for 2 minutes.
Add eggs mixing well, Reduce speed to low and add dates mix, dry ingredients, vanilla, fresh dates and Chopped walnut; mix until well combined.
4) Pour the batter into the prepared (9 inch pan), and smooth the top. Sprinkle with toasted sesame seeds.
5) Bake for 20-25 minutes. Serve with Arabic coffee.
oh wow that looks soooooooo good!
It appeals to my sweet tooth and my love of dates nuts and slices!
thats a keeper that recipe.
Thanks for sharing!
Thank you ,you should try making them!
That looks delicious! I think you & Brotkunst could publish a coffee table book with just your pictures!
Thank you kipperCat.
Dates are among the best of all things, and I don't use them nearly enough. This recipe will fix that! Your bread looks wonderful, zainab. Are there actually three kinds of dates in your photograph?
The dates in season all around Saudi Arabia now ,so I will post dates recipes in my blog soon,I use dates alot (frozen,fresh,dried) in my recipes especially in arabic desserts .and we use it alot in Ramadan to break the fast.
you right in my photograph three kinds of dates (dried dates stuffed with toasted almond),(fresh yellow dates called in arabic omatq )and (fresh red dates called in arabic maji).
Beautiful work, as always, Zinab. I must try this one!
"I am not a cook. But I am sorta cooky."
Thank you cooky.
It looks as if it has a moist, tender crumb. The cardamon must give it a great taste and the sesame seeds on top is a good idea. This will be great for my weekend breakfast with coffee.
If the only dried dates I have are sweetened, should I rinse to remove the sugar? I usually don't bother when I eat them straight from the bag but it seems like a good idea when I use them in baking.
Hi christina,
Sorry for taking so long to reply,you do not need to rinse sweetened dates,because my bread not too sweet.