The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

Yippee's blog

Yippee's picture


Over the years, you’ve no doubt heard me rant about the Brod & Taylor 'proofer'. Anyone who’s used it knows it has a major design flaw—its insulation is terrible. This leads to frustrating temperature fluctuations, which are a real pain in the 🌼🌼🌼 when you need precise temperature control, like when I’m making a thermophilic starter. They market it as a multipurpose, space-saving tool, but it can’t even do its main job right: being a reliable proofer. I’ve felt completely ripped off paying hundreds of dollars for a piece of crap like that.

While I had no better choice then, things are different now—I have the $50 Walmart toaster oven. With an additional ~ $10 investment in soldering plates from Aliexpress, I can turn it into a well-insulated, reliable proofer using a thermostat I already have. These soldering plates heat up incredibly fast—reaching 260°C in just 30 seconds! I make sure to position the plates so their wires don’t come into contact with anything inside the oven.They provide a consistent and reliable heat source but also cool down quickly. You can easily remove them using stainless steel tongs or oven mitts.  

Plus, I can bake bread in this small oven without preheating it, so proving my bread in it doesn’t interfere with prepping the oven for baking, which is often necessary with a conventional big oven.

The bread shown is a Vollkornbrot made with 80% whole rye and 20% whole wheat, 650g each in a 7" x 3.5" x 3" (17.5cm x 9cm x 8cm) tin.To bake this bread in the Walmart toaster oven, I:

  1. Place the TRAY (not the rack) in the lowest slot.
  2. Put the graniteware roaster (15" oval end-to-end) directly on the TRAY.
  3. Line the roaster with two layers of aluminum foil.
  4. Put the lid on the roaster.
  5. Seal the oven glass from the inside with a large piece of heavy-duty aluminum foil.

Here are my baking settings: 

  1. Cold oven, no preheat
  2. Toast feature
  3. 450°F x 15 mins, check, rotate
  4. 450°F x 15 mins, check, rotate
  5. 450°F x 8 minutes, check, top the loaves with a layer of aluminum foil
  6. 450°F x 7 mins, check
  7. 450°F x 5 mins











see it with better lighting:



Yippee's picture



Hi friends!

Last time, I shared how I bake lean bread in my beloved Walmart toaster oven. Today, I will show you how I use it to bake enriched bread. The loaves you see are sesame milk bread, made with 60% milk, 8% butter, and 8% sugar. I bake them "naked" — without the graniteware roaster — in a black tin and a light-colored tin, respectively. Each dough weighs around 500g for the 9x4x4 tin.


Here’s my process:

1. Place the TRAY in the lowest slot.

2. Put the tins directly on the TRAY.

3. Seal the inside of the oven glass with a large piece of heavy-duty aluminum foil.


Baking settings:

- Cold oven, no preheat

- Toast setting

- 360°F for 10 minutes, check

- 360°F for 5 minutes, check

- Cover the top of the loaves with foil

- 360°F for 10 minutes, check

- 360°F for 10 minutes


After baking, I blast a floor fan at the oven and turn on the range hood. This cools down the oven and the surrounding areas within minutes!

I've got an idea to expand the use of this little powerhouse. Once I’ve perfected the plan, I’ll share it with you!

That’s it!





see it with better lighting






P.S. 2nd version - swapping some of the flour for sesame powder and baking it in a mini pan—just for fun! 

Here's the breakdown:


82% AP flour

3% WW flour from CLAS

15% toasted black sesame powder

4.5% H₂O from WW CLAS

8% sugar

60% milk

8% butter

6% H₂O

0.7% dry yeast

15% toasted black sesame seeds


 click to enlarge:

Yippee's picture

Hi friends!

 I want to share how I bake decent loaves in this mighty toaster oven. Here’s what I do: 
  1. Place the TRAY (not the rack) in the lowest slot.
  2. Put the graniteware roaster (15" oval end-to-end) directly on the TRAY.
  3. Line the roaster with a layer of aluminum foil.
  4. Put the lid on the roaster.
  5. Seal the oven glass from the inside with a large piece of heavy-duty aluminum foil.
 Here are my baking settings: 
  1. Cold oven, no preheat
  2. Toast
  3. 450°F x 15 minutes, check
  4. 450°F x 15 minutes, check
  5. 450°F x 15 minutes, check
 The loaf shown is a Berliner Landbrot baked with these settings. (65% whole rye, 35% AP, 80% hydration, 800g dough, any bigger will hinder browning around the edges as they are too close to the roaster)  
  Check more frequently or lower the temperature if you’re not baking lean bread. If the loaf is turning too dark when you check, cover the top of the loaf or the bottom of the roaster with more foil. Don’t worry about opening the oven door - the oven heats up quickly and retains heat well. After baking, blast a super fan/air mover at the oven and turn on the range hood. This cools down the oven and its surrounding area within minutes!

That's it!

 A big thank you to Precaud for recommending this oven! It makes breadmaking less annoying and more bearable!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
Yippee's picture



Please see here and here to learn more about concentrated lactic acid sourdough (CLAS). 




It's been a busy week as I've explored a different approach to making panettone. I made Chef Bigot's panettone before, but this time, I've skipped the starter upkeep, pH checks, and avoided all the unnecessary hassle. I can bypass these tedious tasks thanks to CLAS, offering both efficiency and an exceptional flavor profile, distinct from traditional sourdough. This refined approach also involves proving and baking panettone in the bread machine, giving me more freedom to prioritize what truly matters - caring for my loved ones and myself. Using this approach, making panettone is a breeze—I can make it whenever I want, just like baking any other bread, and enjoy it daily. It is also adaptable to any panettone recipe and consistently works well with recipes from chefs like Giorilli, Pepe, and others.


Most ingredient ratios in my formula align with Chef Bigot's, and I'll specify any deviations from the original recipe (marked as 'OR').







3% WW flour in WW CLAS (OR 12% pre-fermented flour in starter)

59% Beehive AP (OR 62% AP flour)

38% Giusto Ultimate Performer (OR 38% bread flour, including the flour in starter)

4.5% water from WW CLAS

30.5% water

1% gold yeast (OR nil)



39% sugar


add the following gradually and alternately 


44% yolk



17% butter


until a moist and smooth dough forms


Ferment pre-dough

using Zo's "Rise 3"

38C x 100mins 







9% butter

2% gold yeast (OR nil)

1.5% salt (OR 0.5%)



1% rum

18% raisin

18% candied fruits

nil orange peel (OR 6%)

nil lemon peel (OR 6%)


Total dough weight ~570g per panettone



in the Zo by programming it for a ten-minute cycle. The paddles stir gently for 3 minutes to combine the ingredients, followed by kneading for the remaining 7 minutes.


First, combine A and B to form a dough, similar to mixing a whole wheat dough. Gradually and alternately add C and D until a moist and smooth dough is formed, typically taking around four cycles for the pre-dough. Combine E in another cycle and F in half a cycle. Mixing the dough in this order helps maintain its temperature below 27C while reinforcing its strength.




using Zo's "Rise 1"

28C x 150mins


S&F every 30 minutes until the folds can no longer hold and the dough slips apart immediately after folding.


If baking in the oven, preheat to 356°F and position baking stones on both the top and bottom shelves.


For baking in a bread machine, prepare 3-4 layers of 'foil cups' to insulate the panettone paper mold. Note: The bread machine can only bake one panettone at a time.





last gentle folds

place the dough in the mold



using Zo's "Rise 1"

28C x 60mins


beauty makeover - egg wash (optional)

salon treatment - blow-dry with a hairdryer 

score a cross and peel the skin back

sprinkle pearl sugar 



in the bread machine

Set up trivets and a (optional) stainless steel dish to support the mold with the bottom insulated by foil.


Select the dark crust setting; set the machine to bake for 70 minutes, including preheating the machine in the first 10 minutes. After 60 minutes, check the dough temperature, and if needed, leave it in the bread machine for an additional 15 minutes.



I don't use the bread machine for baking very often, so when I decided to try making panettone, I knew the first attempt might not be spot-on. I started with some foil insulation experimentation and considered using a cylindrical cake pan for the bake. But little did I know, I had overlooked a crucial detail until Precaud shared some bread machine wisdom. With that insight, I fine-tuned the plan and sealed the viewing window. The second bake turned out significantly better. Thank you, Precaud!


The updated bread machine baking procedure includes the following:


1. Sealing the bread machine's viewing window with foil.

2. Preheating the cake pan on the stovetop for about a minute before placing it in the bread machine.

3. Setting the Zo to bake for 70 minutes, with the first 10 minutes preheating the machine and the cake pan.

4. Placing a stainless steel dish in the cake pan.

5. Placing a trivet on top of the dish and using an S-shaped hook to connect the trivet to the rim of the pan.

6. Placing the panettone paper mold with the risen dough in the cake pan.

7. Rotating by gliding the hook along the rim after 20 minutes, then after 10 minutes, and again after 10 minutes, followed by rotations after 5 minutes each. Total bake time 50 minutes. 

8. Checking the bread's temperature, removing it from the machine and mold, and hanging it upside down to cool.


For future bakes, I will experiment with the following:


1. Skipping the preheating of the cake pan on the stovetop.

2. Insulating the cake pan with foil.

3. Rotating the dough sooner at the beginning.

4. Checking the bread temperature sooner.

5. Reduce the baking time if needed.




in the oven

Preheat to 356F with two stones, no steam

lower to 320F after loading

320F x 20


320F x 20


320F x 5


320F x 5





Mixing pre-dough


             +A + B                  +some C and D                          DT25.5C                             +all C and D





Mixing dough










grease the hands, the container, and its lid 





using Zo's "Rise 1"

28C x 150mins


S&F every 30 minutes until the folds can no longer hold and the dough slips apart immediately after folding.











using Zo's "Rise 1"

28C x 60mins



beauty makeover - egg wash (optional), salon treatment - blow-dry with a hairdryer 




score a cross and peel the skin back, sprinkle pearl sugar 



Bake in the bread machine

For baking in a bread machine, prepare 3-4 layers of 'foil cups' to insulate the panettone paper mold. 

Set up trivets and a (optional) stainless steel dish to support the mold with the bottom insulated by foil.

The bread machine can only bake one panettone at a time.



Select the dark crust setting; set the machine to bake for 70 minutes, including preheating the machine in the first 10 minutes. After 60 minutes, check the dough temperature, and if needed, leave it in the bread machine for an additional 15 minutes.




1. Sealing the bread machine's viewing window with foil.


2. Preheating the cake pan on the stovetop for about a minute before placing it in the bread machine.


3. Setting the Zo to bake for 70 minutes, with the first 10 minutes preheating the machine and the cake pan.


4. Placing a stainless steel dish in the cake pan.


5. Placing a trivet on top of the dish and using an S-shaped hook to connect the trivet to the rim of the pan.


6. Placing the panettone paper mold with the risen dough in the cake pan.


7. Rotating by moving the hook along the rim after 20 minutes, then after 10 minutes, and again after 10 minutes, followed by rotations after 5 minutes each. Total bake time 50 minutes. 


8. Checking the bread's temperature, removing it from the machine and mold, and hanging it upside down to cool.








Bake in the oven

Preheat to 356F with two stones, no steam

lower to 320F after loading

320F x 20


320F x 20


320F x 5


320F x 5



oven-baked loaves



Bread machine loaves






           👈👈👈 bread machine loaf                           👉👉👉oven-baked loaf


bread machine loaf on top



oven-baked loaf cross-sections


Crumb shots - The lighting in different rooms caused the color difference in the crumb.

oven-baked loaf


bread machine loaf 





Yippee's picture



Please see here and here to learn more about concentrated lactic acid sourdough (CLAS). 



I believe in the rewards of helping others. When someone on the forum needed a nostalgic bread recipe, I experimented with one. While it may not be their perfect match, it's become a tasty alternative to my family's beloved cranberry walnut daily bread.




10% WW flour in WW CLAS

90% fresh WW flour, ground in a Vitamix

15% water in WW CLAS

55% water

8% honey

2% salt

0.7% dry yeast

25% toasted sesame seeds

10% toasted sunflower seeds

10% golden flaxseeds soaked in 20% water or milk


~10% extra water or milk if the dough can take it


Total dough weight ~ 500g, including the extra 10% liquid

for a 11.5cm x 11.5cm x 10cm pan with lid



follow the mixing instructions here



in the Zo, using "Rise 3"

38C x 70 mins



~ 500g@



gentle folds, then

place dough in the mold



in the Zo, using "Rise 3"

38C x 50 mins



in the air fryer

no preheat

350F x 20


350F x 10


insulate the excessively dark side with foil

350F x 5 



in the bread machine

insulate the side near the heating elements with layers of foil

dark crust setting x 30 mins









soaking 10% of flaxseeds with 20% of either water or milk




Toasting up 25% sesame seeds gives the bread such an incredible aroma!



10% toasted sunflower seeds



Incorporating an additional 10% of milk or water into the dough at the end if it can handle it



Bulk in the Zo, using "Rise 3"

38C x 70 mins



scaled and placed in the molds



Prove in the Zo, using "Rise 3"

38C x 50 mins




Bake in the air fryer or bread machine








Air Fryer Loaves












Bread machine loaves












Yippee's picture


Please see here and here to learn more about concentrated lactic acid sourdough (CLAS). 



I've been mulling over what to do with that hefty 50-pound bag of durum berries I stowed away during the pandemic. Noodle-making was my go-to, but it became a chore after a while. I even considered buying a noodle machine for convenience: the kind that extrudes noodles once you add all the ingredients, but guess what? Nature stepped in and saved me the trouble—bugs invaded the bag, and that was it for my durum berries. Here's the final loaf I made totally clueless about those bugs:







Prepare a puree with

23% milk

46% overripe bananas


95% fresh whole durum flour ground in the Vitamix

5% whole durum flour from durum CLAS

7.5% water from durum CLAS

17% egg

0.2% gold yeast


mix until a moist dough forms; do not overmix

28C x 240mins using Zo's "Rise 1"





0.5% gold yeast

1.5% salt

1.5% ground cinnamon

10% butter

mix until incorporated, then 


38% toasted mix of 






38% craisins 


mix in extra banana-milk puree if needed


Total dough weight: ~750g

for a 19cm x 11cm x 8.5cm tin with a lid (holds 1000ml)



using Zo's "Rise 3"

38C x 50mins



place the dough into the tin lined with parchment slings

smooth the top with a spatula (optional)



using Zo's "Rise 3"

38C x 40mins



using the 6Q Instant Vortex Clear Cook Air Fryer

line parchment paper on top of the dough

close the lid








click to enlarge






 I🧡💛🩷that I can bake two loaves in the air fryer at once whenever I feel like it.









Enjoy it the ball-law-yau style


I have another 100% durum bread, but this time it's made with refined, extra fancy durum flour.


Yippee's picture


Please see here and here to learn more about concentrated lactic acid sourdough (CLAS). 



These days, I mostly bake bread using the air fryer and occasionally depend on the bread machine. I reserve the big oven solely for baking for those who hold a special place in my heart as VIPs.

One day, one of these VIPs came home. I made his favorite bread—bagels—in the big oven, following the Montreal-style bagel workflow that captivated me when I first tried it some time ago. Using this process to create the delightful crunchy-chewy bagels I adore proves far more efficient than the traditional New York approach. Incorporating CLAS into the process creates a win-win combo that delivers both crunchiness, chewiness, and flavorful bagels in under two hours.

My bagels tend to be on the sweeter side. To dial down the sweetness, simply reduce the amount of sugar in the dough and honey in the boiling water.



3% whole rye flour from rye CLAS

97% beehive AP

6% sugar

5% egg

5.7% water from rye CLAS

49% warm water or milk

1.3 - 1.7% avocado oil

1.5% salt (NOT optional, unless you use VERY sweet boiling water to mask the blandness of a salt-free dough. Otherwise, you'll risk ruining the entire batch.)

0.2% dry yeast

0.9% Briess CBW® dark dry malt extract

RAW sesame seeds for coating

Total flour used: 1 kg


2.5L H₂O 

6 TBSP  honey




develop the dough FULLY

DT 30C


33-36-40C x 45mins

Temperature fluctuations due to using an electric blanket for bulk.




Store the divided dough in the fridge to slow down further fermentation.



Store the shaped dough in the fridge to slow down further fermentation.


Line a half-sheet pan with parchment paper and sprinkle it with cornmeal made with pulsed flaked corn.

click to enlarge


Boil 2.5L of water with 6 TBSP of honey.


Boil the shaped bagels for ~ 20 seconds on each side or until they float.


Coat the boiled bagels with seeds.



6 bagels at once

no stone no steam

preheat to 460F














click to enlarge


Toasted sesame, homegrown chives, and cream cheese




P.S. 20231216

Chinese "bagels" (1) and (2) were new to me until recently.




The VIP got a taste of the 'real deal' in Montreal. Frankly, if these bagels are as bland as the salt-free recipe the bakery handed out, I'll definitely pass on them.



Yippee's picture


Please see here and here to learn more about concentrated lactic acid sourdough (CLAS). 



While in Hong Kong, I sampled pineapple buns (called 'ball-law-bao' 菠蘿包 in Cantonese) from EVERY Chinese bakery I passed by. To my disappointment, they didn't live up to my childhood memories. Some lacked that satisfying bounce after a bite, and some had an odd taste in their pineapple crust. However, my disappointment quickly faded because I had found the perfect, authentic recipe to recreate the ball-law-bao of my youth. This recipe comes from the book Hong Kong Bread by Chef Yung Ling Yau. P.S. There's a newer edition of this book with a revised title and additional recipes, including two more of my childhood favorites: egg tarts and coconut tarts.

Since decent ball-law-bao is hard to come by, I feel compelled to share this recipe with those who long for the delectable taste of this classic treat. 


While working with Chef Yau's recipe, I noticed something interesting: no salt was used. Surprisingly, the absence of salt didn't result in any unusual taste, thanks to the sweetness of the bread that masked the blandness. However, it's worth noting that the blandness becomes quite apparent in other salt-free bread dough, like Montreal-style bagels. So, generally, it's not a good idea to skip the salt.


The format of today's CLAS version recipe differs from my usual ones, as I prepared the instructions for a friend who adores my ball-law-bao but lacks experience in bread baking.





Ingredients for the Pineapple Crust 

- enough for 16 buns; use half for one bake


- Pastry/cake flour: 168g

- Sugar: 112g

- Butter: 14g

- Milk powder: 14g

- Egg yolk: 1

- Lard: 66g

- Condensed milk: 28g

- Evaporated milk: 28g

- Ammonia carbonate: 2g (available at Michael’s or online)

- Baking soda: 1g

- Yields approximately 454g of crust




1. Mix the above ingredients until they are just homogeneous.


2. Use half of the batch for one bake. The crust per bun should be approximately 28g. Roll it into a ball, flatten it into a disc by hand, then gently roll it out once. Rotate the disc 90 degrees and roll it out again. Repeat this process until you've come full circle. The discs should be large enough to cover the proven dough balls' top. Refrigerate the discs while the buns are proving.


3. Refrigerate the remaining crust for the next bake.


Hong Kong Pineapple Buns


Ingredients (for 8 buns):



- All-purpose flour: 243g

- Whole egg: 1 (about 50-60g)

- Sugar: 38g



- Warm water: 84g (divided)



- Whole-wheat CLAS (flour + liquid): 19g

- Kosher salt: 3.8g (optional)

- GOLD yeast: 1.8g



- Butter: 23g (diced)



- Milk: 51g




1. Mix

  - Add ingredients from A. to the mixer with a paddle attachment.

  - Start the mixer.

  - Gradually add B. until a dough forms and all ingredients are moistened. Reserve any unused water for later use; you may not need all 84g, depending on how absorbent the flour is.


2. Rest

  - Cover the dough in the mixing bowl and let it rest at room temperature for 30 minutes to an hour.


3. Mix (again)

  - Switch to the dough hook.

  - Add C. and mix until all ingredients are well incorporated. Add a little water to moisten if needed.

  - Mix with the dough hook until the dough gains strength and starts pulling away from the mixing bowl's sides.

  - Gradually add D. until well incorporated.

  - Gradually drizzle E. while the mixer is running. Add more after each drizzle is well incorporated into the dough.

  - If, at any point, the machine sounds labored or heats up, stop mixing and put the mixing bowl into the fridge to cool for 10 minutes before resuming mixing.

  - If you feel that the dough can take in more water or it feels dry (though not likely), and you have water reserved from above, drizzle it into the dough while the mixer is running and mix until it’s well incorporated.


4. Bulk Ferment – 1st rise

  - Place the dough in a straight-sided container and let it rise in a warm place until the volume doubles.


5. Divide and Preheat Oven

  - Divide the dough into 8 portions, approximately 63g each, and shape them into dough balls.

  - Prepare the crust, dividing it into 8 portions, approximately 28g each. Flatten and roll them into discs large enough to cover the top of the dough balls.

  - Preheat the oven to 392°F (for a darker crust) or 375°F (for a golden crust).


6. Final Proof - 2nd rise

  - Cover the dough balls and let them rise in a warm place (around 30°C) for about 30 minutes or until the dough appears slightly puffy.


7. Bake

  - Place a crust disc on each dough ball.

  - Apply an egg wash (whole egg whisked) on top.

  - Bake on a sheet pan lined with parchment paper at 375°F for 15-20 minutes or until the top appears golden. Rotate halfway through.
















Here's a video that tells the story of pineapple buns:


I enjoy savoring a plain, warm bun with a thick slab of COLD butter,  known as 'ball-law-yau,' where 'yau' refers to oil (butter), as shown in the video below at 2:36:


Hong Kong-style milk tea paired with 'ball-law-yau' is a classic afternoon tea combo. Have you tried it?


Yippee's picture


Please see here and here to learn more about concentrated lactic acid sourdough (CLAS). 



With CLAS, making 100% whole-spelt bread with freshly milled flour is simple; anyone can do it. Without using fat, dairy, sugar, or vital wheat gluten, and without turning on the big oven, you can enjoy an aromatic and wholesome loaf in just a few hours through proper dough development and fermentation.





10% flour from whole-spelt CLAS👇👇👇

90% freshly ground whole-spelt flour

15% water from whole-spelt CLAS

50% water,  ~40-45°C

7% water

1.8% salt

0.7% dry yeast

Total dough weight 580g



x 20-30 mins

Dough temp ~31-32°C


Bulk ferment

38-40°C x 50 mins






35°C x 25 mins



400F x 19 mins, covered with a stainless steel dish

remove the stainless steel dish

400F x 20 mins


400F x 20 mins



400F x 5 mins browning the top





Grind the spelt berries in the Vitamix 



until silky-smooth.




Add whole-spelt CLAS to the Zo.




Mix the dough in the Zo. 

If you prefer to increase the dough's hydration, refer to this post for detailed mixing directions.  



Dough temp ~31-32°C



Witness the remarkable gluten development of this 100% whole-grain dough within 30 minutes!

CLAS rocks!💪💪💪



Ferment the dough in the Zo,using Zo's preset "Rise 3" feature.

~38-40°C x 50 mins



Shape the dough and transfer it to a cake pan, covering it with a pizza pan.





Prove the dough in the Instant Vortex using its dehydrating feature. 

35°C x 25 mins





Score the dough to maximize rise and bloom in the air fryer.




Bake in the Instant Vortex without preheating, covering the pans with an inverted stainless steel dish.



400F x 19 mins

remove the stainless steel dish

400F x 20 mins


400F x 20 mins



400F x 5 mins browning the top







I forgot to take pictures of the bottom. 🙄🙄🙄



The crumb.



That's it!




👉👉👉How to make whole-spelt CLAS


 ground wheat malt: 25g

 Whole grain spelt flour: 75g

 Water T. 45°C: 140 ml

 Vinegar (5% acidity): 10 ml

 Fermentation temperature: 38°C±2°C

 Fermentation time: 24-36h

 Hydration: 150%

 End pH: around 4


To refresh spelt CLAS

1:7 (spelt flour in CLAS: new spelt flour), no vinegar needed

150% hydration@38+-2 C x 12 hours

I usually make about 500g of CLAS at a time with 200g of grains. It stays in the fridge until I need it to bake, and I stir it thoroughly before use. I usually warm it up with one of Zo's fermentation features while I prepare the remaining ingredients. When I've used up most of the 500g of CLAS, I refresh it using the 1:7 ratio to make another 500g, give or take. 


I set up a water bath (~low 40s C) in the Instant Pot, support the container with a trivet, and use the Instant Pot's yogurt feature to make CLAS:    

Then cover it with the lid.


P.S. 20230722 🤔🤔🤔


I can also make CLAS in the Zo using its 'Rise 3' feature because it operates within the same temperature range as a yogurt maker. I can either take out the bread pan, place the container with CLAS in the bread machine, supporting it with a trivet, or ferment the CLAS directly in the bread pan.



Yippee's picture


Remember when I said not to use stainless steel for baking bread in the air fryer? Well, on second thought, I decided to take advantage of its relatively lower thermal conductivity to improve my bakes. By adding a tiny step, the dough now has more time to rise and bloom in the air fryer. The result? Bread that develops a grigne similar to what you would get from a conventional oven!👏👏👏


As usual, mix the dough in the Zo 


bulk ferment in the Zo




shaped, put into the cake barrel, and covered with the pizza pan


Remove the rack from the air fryer, as the pans will be too tall to fit inside otherwise.

Prove in the air fryer, using the dehydrating feature.








Time to bake!



Here's the tiny extra step!


No preheat 

400F x 15-20 mins

then remove the stainless steel dish(18cm dia., often sold in the kitchenware section of an Asian supermarket), which I normally use to steam 🐠🐠🐠😄😄😄

400F x 25 mins


400F x 15 mins






the bottom



the crumb (click to enlarge)


Upon a close review of the crumb in the picture, it appears that the area immediately beneath the crust might benefit from a few more minutes of baking before flipping to bake the bottom.)

To compare apples to apples, this is the same bread I made in my previous air fryer bread post. It's a simple, yet delicious white bread with the following ingredients:


97% AP

3% whole rye CLAS

61% water

2% salt

0.7% dry yeast

Total dough weight ~ 1lb




Air-fried Hong Kong-style French Toast



- Two big, fat slices of bread (sliced on my meat slicer set at #20), with the crust removed and reserved👇👇👇

- Two eggs, whisked with some heavy cream and a tiny pinch of salt

- Butter for greasing parchment paper

- Peanut butter and condensed milk (mixed at a ratio of 2:1) 

- Cold butter for topping

 - Maple syrup or condensed milk for drizzling 


1. Whisk two eggs with some heavy cream and a tiny pinch of salt

2. Soak the bread in the egg-cream mixture until saturated

3. Preheat the air fryer @ 400°F x 1 min

4. Place the soaked slices on parchment paper greased with butter


4a. Brush with melted butter if desired.

5. Air fry at 350°F x 6 mins, until slightly golden brown

6. Flip the slices


6a. Brush with melted butter if desired.

7. Air fry at 350°F x 4 mins, until golden brown

8. In the meantime, mix peanut butter with condensed milk at a ratio of 2:1 by weight

9. Slather the toast with the peanut butter mixture.



If the peanut butter-condensed milk mixture is too thick, thin it with some water and stir. If it's not homogeneous, microwave it in 10-second increments, stirring in between, until the desired consistency is achieved.

This consistency is more like it:

10. Fold one slice on top of the other.

11. Halve the slices

12. Top with cold butter. Drizzle with maple syrup or condensed milk if desired.

13. Enjoy!




Air-fried Garlic Croutons


It's actually easier to trim the crust with a pair of scissors than with a bread knife. 


Spread the trimmed crust, ~ 75g, onto a pan in a single layer. 

Drizzle 15g or ~1.5 TBS of olive oil over the crust. 

Mince 2 garlic cloves. 

Sprinkle ~1/8 teaspoon of salt. 

Cover the pan with an inverted pan. 

Shake, shake, shake.


Air Fried

350F x 15mins

check, shake

350F x 10mins

check, shake

350F x 5mins


Let cool before serving (click to enlarge)





Serve with Kabocha soup.


I rarely cook without fat or sugar, but using either in this soup would ruin its natural sweetness and creaminess. Therefore, the only seasonings I use are fresh herbs from my garden to complement the natural flavors.




- 1 kabocha

- 6 large Roma tomatoes

- 2 medium sweet onions (with skin on)

- Fresh rosemary and oregano


Place the ingredients in the inner pot of the Instant Pot, like so👇👇👇

+ 200 ml water


Cook under high pressure x 60 mins.





Once cooled, set the kabocha aside and remove the stem stub. 




Remove the stems from the herbs and squeeze the onions from their skin. Discard the onion skins. Transfer all the remaining ingredients from the Instant Pot into the Vitamix. Blend the mixture until it becomes homogeneous.




Set the tomato-onion mixture aside.



+500g of kabocha (including skin and seeds) to the Vitamix

+500g of the tomato-onion mixture

+200-300g of water (add more if needed to run the Vitamix, but do not exceed 400g to avoid straining the motor).

Blend until the mixture is homogenous. 

Pour the blended mixture into a large container.




Repeat 4. until all ingredients are blended. Mix everything well.


Makes about 4 quarts. Serve cold or warm; either way, it is delicious.





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