July 18, 2008 - 10:58am
new member
How can I get into the forum conversation, without creating a new subject. I live in Devon, south west on the UK. Just recently found your site, because I have only recently started to bake. Hello everyone.
How can I get into the forum conversation, without creating a new subject. I live in Devon, south west on the UK. Just recently found your site, because I have only recently started to bake. Hello everyone.
Finding my way around the site. Also, are the answers to questions posted accessible to the rest of us, or are the e mailed the the questioner.
Replies are posted. Nothing is emailed unless you subscribe to a thread.
Welcome to the group at The Fresh Loaf.
Here's how you get into the conversation:
Find another post that you would like to comment on. For example, you might like to compliment Foolish Poolish on the Baozi (steamed Buns) posted immediately below your introductory post. Or any other topic on the board that strikes your fancy.
Go to the post that interests you and scroll down to the bottom under all comments. There may be just one or their may be dozens. At the bottom is a place where you can add your comments. For example. the box I am typing in is directly under Floyd's response to you.
In some posts there is also the word reply in the lower left-hand corner. If you click that, your reply will go immediately under that particular post, instead of at the end of the thread. This helps if it is a long thread and you want to comment on something far up the line.