The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

third times a charm *crosses fingers*

Thegreenbaker's picture

third times a charm *crosses fingers*


Thegreenbaker's picture

well I give up


is where my bread is.


I have never been able to post photos here :(  darn Luddite I am!



weavershouse's picture
weavershouse (not verified)

Did I miss the post where you told what this loaf is? It's so beautiful inside and out. Great job.                         weavershouse

Thegreenbaker's picture

Hi ,

Thanks :)


I am really proud of myself :)


It is an adaptation of BBA's Anadama bread. I didnt have time to do the soaker so omitted the cornmeal and added fine semolina. Also added some gluten flour as I have been working with Homebrand (I know not the best flour but were on a budget ATM) Wholemeal flour and getting terrible results.

So, this was my triumph! If only I could work out how to put the photos straight onto this site instead of linking it. But I suppose it will do.At least I was able to share my joy over my bread FINALLY being light and airy not dense and heavy :)



weavershouse's picture
weavershouse (not verified)

I never did. The crumb was so nice and the crust was so brown and delicious looking.

I wish I could help you with your photo posting problem. The only thing I know is that when I was having problems some members suggested switching my browser from Safari to Firefox. That did the trick for me. If that's not your problem maybe someone else on this site can help.                                  weavershouse

Thegreenbaker's picture

Ah thats cause it wasnt "quite" Anadama Bread :) And I only have the recipe from Bread Bakers Apprentice. I have no idea what Anadama bread looks like apart from that version :S with my new found confidence (and better ingredients) I will try it again soon and post a link to it :)


Thegreenbaker's picture

I just did an image search on google for anadama bread.  It loos sooooo yummy!

I can NEVER get my crust so soft!

I think I had my oven up just a little too high. :S Hence the brown crust.



weavershouse's picture
weavershouse (not verified)

I think your Anadama looks better than any I've seen. I'd say whatever you're doing keep it up. weavershouse

Thegreenbaker's picture

yay :)


Thats a lovely compliment! Thank you :)

