The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

Hurrah for Gluten Flour!

Thegreenbaker's picture

Hurrah for Gluten Flour!

Woo! Hoo!

Referring back to my blog about not being able to make my bread rise..........well, it rose!

I adapted a recipe from BBA. I have been wanting to make Pane Siciliano but time wasnt permitting so I used the Anadama Bread recipe but didnt use the soker. I added 1 cup of fine semolina,

1 cup gluten flour and 2 1/2 cups of wholewheat flour (wholemeal) 2 teaspoons of yeast, salt, 2 TBSPN Barley Malt and about 2 1/2 cups of water.


I did this as I didnt have time to do the soker over night then then let the shaped dough rise in the fridge etc.


I had just about EVERYTHING crossed watching the dough rise much more strongly than it has before. I folded it let it rise again then cut it into two pieces and made a sandwich loaf out of one and a batard out of the other.

They still looked a bit dubious when I put them into the 500 degree oven ( was 250 celcius-I'm in OZ) Well after a few times misting, I looked in to see my batard and grown about 20%. I squealed with such delight. I made My partner and 4 year old daughter come over to look.

When the baking was done, I put my Batard on the bread board and danced around with it.

My sandwich loaf rose higher than they ever have. And this is difficult as I dont have a proper loaf tin. It is very wide and has quite low sides compared to the loaf tins I have seen on this site. So I was quite chuffed at my success.


It was never my technique, it was my ingredients!

The crust is lovely, I had pretty holey crumb *bounces* The bread is a bit, chewy maybe, but I think I could stand to reduce the gluten flour and add a bit of fat to that recipe to soften it :)


I am soooo happy! *said with mouthful of vegemite toast*

