The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

Bacon Bread

Marcelo's picture

Bacon Bread

Bacon Bread

This is a variation of the Bread with Olives recipe. The whole recipe is reproduced here (including identical steps), so you don't have to go back and forth between both of them.

I'm baking this one tonight, so I'll make a nice braid and post the photo later.

Here's the link to the recipe.

The bacon gives the bread a strong taste, it's awesome with cream cheese.



gianfornaio's picture
gianfornaio (not verified)

This reminds me of a totally amazing bread I had in Italy years ago-- When I was in college I studied in Cortona (Toscana) for a few months, and I would periodically pick up this amazing sort of boule that was richly flavored with cured pork of some sort-- there was this completely crazy vendor at the weekly market (and at, I believe, every other festival event anywhere near town) who shouted non-stop-- seriously, I don't know how he breathed-- and sold cheeses and sandwiches out of a big truck with a side that flipped up, gull-wing style, to reveal a big display case with a whole roast hog-- he would hack out big hot fatty chunks of the hog and slap them between two thick slices of this bread-- it was so decadent: moist and rich. Not a particularly balanced meal, of course-- just roast pork on bacon bread, no greens, no condiments-- but damned if it wasn't enough.

(I've tried to replicate it and made some tasty loaves, but nothing quite tastes like being in the piazza.)


Susan's picture

of last September in Tuscany in a parking lot at a pork stand. Could you be reminiscing over porchetta? Pork roasted with salt, pepper, garlic and wild fennel. A porchetta panino is delicious, I agree!


Marcelo's picture

Well there is something about flavors that transport you to places where you have been. Music has a similar effect, they are powerful memories triggers.

I don't know if this bread will transport you back to the piazza, but it's a great bread to bake at home and bring back those Tuscan memories.

Thanks for the feedback, I owe you the photos, just have to find time to post them.


