July 4, 2009 - 6:22pm

could someone post the "changing starter hydration instructions" again?
I think it was one of the Daves or Davids that posted the instructions on how to change starters from 100% to 67% hydration over several feedings, and if someone could redirect me to the thread it was in, instead of whoever having to repost it all, would be great!
I didn't bookmark it when I should have, unfortunately.
If you know where it is, it would be greatly appreciated!
I don't know if I'm the David your writing about or not, but I've developed an Excel spreadsheet that does what you want. The spreadsheet gives the values of flour and water to add to a small amount of your stored starter, at any hydration, and in three builds over approximately 24 hours creates the necessary amount of ripe starter, for any formula's specified starter weight and hydration.
The spreadsheet, along with two version of a bread formula spread sheet are available to down load at:
If you try them, and have any trouble or question send me a message here at TFL.
Happy Fourth of July, and happy baking
David G.
Hi, TIA.
I think there are 2 or 3 recent threads with related information. Here are the ones I recall:
If these don't answer your questions, just holler.
Easiest way... let's convert some of your current 100% hydration starter to 67% hydration, then let it ferment a bit, then do a normal 67% maintenance.
50 g of 67% starter is 30 g flour and 20.1 g of water
We want enough 100% starter to have 20 g of water, so we need 40 g of that starter (40 g will have 20 flour and 20 water).
So.. take 40 g of 100% hydration and add 10 g of flour to it. (10 g of new flour plus the 20 in the starter is the 30 g of flour we need). Add nothing else but the 10 g of flour and combine. You might need to thumb knead it a few times.
Let it ferment about 3-4 hours. You now have a 67% hydration starter, and can maintain it according to how much starter you want to have on hand.
- Keith
Here's a constant you can post on a card in your kitchen cabinet:
Divide any amount of 100% hydrated starter by 4
(100 grams divided by 4 = 25 grams)
Add the resulting number (in this case 25 grams) of flour to your mix and you have approx. 67% hydration.
that is even more perfect. I had to think for a minute how much starter I'm working with, but I do have 100gms going. I just added this to my saved info too...
I'm giving the little bugger some more time to mature, but by next weekend, I should be baking with it.
Thanks for the info.
David G, I have your spread sheets on my desktop already, but these are not what I was looking for today....but again, thanks for sharing those.
DM- yes, the second and third links had info I was wanting to save, which I copied and pasted into word for myself. Thanks a bunch! I need to do it when I see them, and not wait till I "get around to it"
Keith, I just added your easy to understand info to my saved document....thanks a bunch!
My starter is 7 days old today- I was a day off on it's age yesterday, since I had the day off, and it really took off today, where I know it doubled, without a doubt (or more). But I was gone all day, so I don't know how long it took.
Now with this info, I feel confident I can change my starter to a Rye and reduce the hydration.....
Thanks so much!
Good baking!
David G