1st try croissants and poolish rye
1st try croissants
I used the "short method" from the Sunset book but next time I'll use the layered way as in the Sunset book or Jacque Pepin's "The Art of Cooking, Volumne 2".
I think the oven should have been hotter (such as 425F instead of 325F). I should have made more folds to try to get better layers but they are crunchy, chewy, and tasty........and like a magician, they dissappeared.
1st try poolish
I think I got some oven spring, didn't over proof, I'm certain, must be doing something right, even if I'm not sure how I did it or what I did. That's the fun part, eh?
Sunset's Sponge-method Peasant Rye Bread formula was the idea I based my loaf on, with a few changes. I reduced the quanity by one-third.
One cup rye, one cup water, a little instant yeast, make the sponge (or poolish).
The basic idea was to compare the formula in an old Sunset bread book and ideas in Peter Reinhart's BBA book. The Sunset book starts the mixing with a sponge but this seems to be matching the description of a poolish in Peter's book. After 6 hours the aroma was very faint but pleasing. At 24 hours the aroma was wonderful.
After 24 hours, two-thirds cup rye flour, one cup water, caraway seeds, are added along with a little salt, mixed well, and about three cups AP flour are added slowly.
Knead for about ten or 15 minutes until smooth, adding AP flour as needed (pun intended).
Next a little oil to cover the dough, then cover the bowl with plastic wrap. Let rise till doubled, or so, then knead (I did stretch and fold 2 cycles).
I tried a banneton for the final rise which didn't take long while the oven was pre-heated to 450F. Two deep scoring cuts were added.
A small pan of hot water went into the oven, then the loaf, then fine water spray, close the oven for 40 minutes maximum for an internal temperature of 202F.
I'm a hopeless loafer, always have been a loafer. hope to be a better loafer, when I grow up.
I've tried that recipe for croissants, Blackbird. As I recall it wasn't the easiest to pull off so great job!
Your rye loaf looks very tasty too.
Thanks Pamela, you can track garden mud in my kitchen any time, you are kind. Best to you and yours.