The Fresh Loaf

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Syringe for an aliquot jar

Sevitzky's picture

Syringe for an aliquot jar

Hadn't seen this suggestion, so putting in a separate thread.  Easy to insert it and track the target expansion point and expel excess air.  When it squirts out, it's a very clear indicator that you've reached your goal!

I try to buy as few single-use kitchen gadgets as possible (so no aliquot jar) but as a parent, I have hundreds of syringes lying around.  

barryvabeach's picture

Interesting -  so you load it from the back end, and leave enough air at the front to allow for the desired expansion? 

Sevitzky's picture

Yep.  Exactly that. 

I've seen other techniques that involve water, to get all the air out, etc.  This way, you can just "pinch off" with the plunger, and then push it as far in as you want to set the expansion ratio (as open air) and when it "shoots out" of the nozzle, that's your indicator.  It's still a bit of an eye-ball method....

And it washed out pretty easily. (the first and only time that I've tried it)